
Minecraft Teases Dune Crossover Content

Minecraft might be getting another major movie crossover.

Recently, Minecraft has started to up its crossover game. Developer Mojang continues to work on its unique content, but the move to more mod support has led to Minecraft highlighting and cultivating new collaborations. We’ve already seen one major piece of crossover content when Godzilla DLC was added to Minecraft recently, bringing the massive Kaiju to the game for several different maps. Now, it looks like Mojang might be working with Legendary Pictures on yet another upcoming collaboration. While nothing is confirmed, the team took to Twitter earlier today to hint that Minecraft fans might soon be going to the world of Dune.

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Minecraft Hints at Upcoming Dune Content

Now, before digging into this, it’s important to note that Minecraft’s connection to Legendary Pictures goes much further than the Godzilla crossover. The production studio is also working with Mojang and Warner Bros. on the upcoming Minecraft movie adaptation. Could this simply be the team teasing a new announcement for that project? That’s very possible. Remember, Jason Momoa has been cast in the project, meaning there’s already some crossover between Minecraft and Dune because he plays Duncan Idaho in the first Dune film. This “collaboration” might turn out to be nothing in terms of Minecraft content.

That said, it would be strange for Mojang to not be working to bring something similar to the Godzilla crossover to Minecraft. The partnerships are already in place to make this happen, and Dune: Part 2 is an even bigger release than the big lizard. The sequel almost doubled the first film’s opening weekend, making it an immediate success. If Mojang has the chance to jump in on that hype train and doesn’t do it, that would seem like a big mistake from the developer. Hopefully, we see something revealed in the coming weeks.

Minecraft Update 1.21 Release Date

While crossover content is at the forefront of players’ brains after today’s tweet, it’s worth remembering that Mojang is also hard at work on the next update for Minecraft. Update 1.21 doesn’t have a firm release date, but Mojang says it’s on track to release sometime during the middle of 2024. Generally, major updates come to Minecraft in June, so it stands to reason that we’ll be seeing something then.

If you want to try out some of the features early. Mojang has opened up several features for testing. You’ll need to download the test servers to play around with the new features, but doing so will give Mojang quality information. Either way, it won’t be too much longer before we see Update 1.21 live for everyone.

Minecraft is available now on PlayStation, Switch, mobile, Xbox, and PC platforms.