
YouTuber Buys Every Nintendo 3DS and Wii U Game on eShop

On March 27th, the eShops for the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U will permanently close, preventing users from ever making additional digital purchases. As a result, many are scrambling to buy up games, and some publishers are offering major discounts. While a lot of folks will likely be dropping money over the next week, it’s a safe bet that most won’t be spending as much as Jirard “The Completionist” Khalil. The YouTuber spent a stunning $22,791 to purchase every single game digitally on both platforms. That breaks down to $13,118 across 1,547 3DS games, and $9,673 spent on 866 Wii U games.

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The video from Khalil can be found embedded below.

The accomplishment is pretty stunning! In addition to the actual cost of the games, Khalil had to invest a significant amount of time compiling information about how much space would be required to download that many games. When he couldn’t find sponsors to fund the video, he figured out a workaround by getting sponsors to fund other videos, with the money going towards the end total. Khalil and his team figured out that the best option would be to purchase physical eShop cards to make the purchases. This led to its own complications, as many retailers limited the number of giftcards that could be purchased in a single outing, and one team member was cut off by his bank, despite having the available funds.

Khalil said that he went through these efforts because of concerns over lost media. Khalil will be donating all of these digital games to the Video Game History Foundation, which makes a concerted effort to preserve games and their associated media. It’s a great cause, and Khalil’s efforts should help more people appreciate the necessity of preserving this type of media. As a result of all these purchases, Khalil has also earned thousands of Gold Coins to use on the Nintendo Switch eShop, which he’s pledged to use exclusively on indie games.

Can you believe Khalil pulled this off? Do you plan on making any eShop purchases before March 27th? Letusknowinthe comments or share yourthoughtsdirectly on Twitterand on Hive atย @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!

[H/T: Nintendo Life]