Nintendo Switch Gets Surprise Horror Release

The Nintendo Switch eShop plays host to a whole lot of games, and usually players are given advance warning before one of them arrives. Today was a unique exception, as The Dark Pictures Anthology: Man of Medan quietly dropped on the platform. The game is currently available exclusively as a digital release, and costs $19.99. The Nintendo Switch version of Man of Medan also includes the special "Flooded" chapter, which offers a new ending to the game. Flooded debuted last September, more than three years after the base game originally released!

A Nintendo Switch trailer for the game was shared by the official Bandai Namco Twitter account, and can be found embedded below.

Nintendo Switch fans might not be familiar with the Dark Pictures Anthology, but each game has a completely self-contained story. Developed by Supermassive Games, the games are basically interactive horror movies, with each one offering a brand-new cast of characters and setting. The link between these games is the Curator, a mysterious figure that asks players to help him finish these stories by making decisions for the characters. Naturally, the wrong decisions can result in death for the cast, and can have a big impact on the overall story.

Man of Medan was the first entry in the Dark Pictures Anthology series, and there have been three additional games released since: Little Hope, House of Ashes, and The Devil in Me. These four games comprise the "first season" of the Dark Pictures Anthology, and a second season is currently in the works. It's unclear if any of these other games will come to the Switch platform, but it likely depends on how successful Man of Medan proves. Readers should be advised that the game's eShop page does state that Man of Medan runs at 24 fps, so the performance might not be as impressive as other versions. However, has not had a chance to review the game, so readers will have to check it out and judge for themselves!

Are you a fan of The Dark Pictures anthology series? Do you plan on trying Man of Medan? Let us know in the comments or share your thoughts directly on Twitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!