
Overwatch 2 Players Already Over New Battle for Olympus Event


Overwatch 2 has officially gotten its first event of 2023 with the release of Battle for Olympus, but many players aren’t exactly thrilled with it for a number of reasons. The challenges associated with this event seem to be the main annoyance based on what players have been saying, but other issues such as the free-for-all format of the event’s limited-time mode have also led to some frustrations. This event just started, however, so there’s still ample time for adjustments to be made if Blizzard deems those necessary.

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The “special challenges” at the forefront of the Overwatch 2 complaints this weekend were mentioned in the news post detailing what to expect from the Battle for Olympus event, but the challenges themselves weren’t listed. They could be found in-game, however, and were shared online in posts like the one below that showed them all and the rewards players get for completing them.

Challenges for the seven heroes used in the Battle for Olympus game mode easily paint a picture as to why players aren’t thrilled with these tasks. These challenges require players to get 300 final blows with each hero to unlock the respective characters’ unique titles.

Nobody’s making you get the titles for each hero, of course, but 300 finishing blows even for one character is a big ask during a limited-time mode, and that’s especially true if you’re someone who would like to get all seven of these titles. As some have pointed out, these challenges amount to “a combined 2100 kills” to earn all the title rewards. That lofty requirement has led some to simply farm out the challenges instead of earning them legitimately.

The challenges get a bit more agreeable outside of those ones asking for 300 final blows. Others award players voice lines for getting 25 finishing blows during a hero’s ultimate while others are specific to the game mode and only ask players to pick up power-ups, win games, and other simpler tasks. But then there’s the mode itself which adopts a free-for-all format, not a team-based one. One might’ve assumed that’d be the case whenever Blizzard said that only seven heroes would be buffed up with godly powers in this mode, but it still came as a letdown to some who were hoping for a team-based approach to Battle for Olympus.

Again, the mode’s only been live for a couple of days now, so there’s still time for changes to be made. Blizzard likely won’t make any announcemetns about the mode until Monday at the earliest, however, and might not make any announcements at all, so those interested in these rewards will just have to get to grinding in the meantime.