Palworld Players Shocked After Seeing Dark Side of Pals

Palworld's Pals aren't as innocent as they seem.

Palworld doesn't try too hard to hide its irreverence given how much of the game involves working your Pals to the bone while meeting their basic needs to make sure they keep working. When you're not going that, you're probably catching other people (not Pals) in Pal Spheres, whacking Pals with weapons or shooting at them, or cooking up defeated Pals to eat them and keep the cycle going. But some players are still finding out that it's not just people who do the eating in Palworld. In fact, the Pals themselves have no qualms when it comes to eating each other nor will they show any remorse when given the chance to eat another person.

Observant Palworld players may have already noticed this startling tidbit in the game, but Pals in Palworld most definitely will eat people if they're presented with the opportunity. Plenty of players who knew about this already regard it as an interesting way to see how the Pals of Palworld interact with one another, but seeing it for the first time will still take you aback.

Palworld Pals Eating Each Other (and People)

If you haven't seen Palworld Pals snacking on people yet, it might be because you're wiping everything in your field of view once a fight gets underway. If you aggro an aggressive Pal, they'll of course pursue you, but if you or the Pals themselves take out some Syndicate Thugs and let the dust settle, you might see the Pals feasting on their prey.

Palworld and Redditor bryanmerel123 shared the clip below which shows what this looks like if you haven't gotten to see it yet in-game. After a group of Syndicate Thugs were beaten in a forest, a wild Nitewing enjoys the spoils.

I just discovered yesterday that Pals, atleast wild pals, EAT HUMAN CORPSE!
by u/bryanmerel123 in Palworld

That post was shared in the Palworld subreddit a couple of days ago, but there are posts even before that one closer to when the game released where players pointed out this darker detail of the game. Direhowl, Anubis, Gobfin and other Pals were all cited as creatures who are frequent offenders when it comes to eating humans and other Pals including their own species. 

Of course, if you paid attention to the beginning of the game instead of getting right to catching Pals and building bases, you'd know that you were warned about this initially. One of the very first NPCs that you encounter in Palworld recalls how they came to the Palworld islands with other people only to have every one of their companiosn eaten by the islands' inhabitants.

"A castaway? Been a while since someone who didn't stink of Pals washed up here," says the Expedition Survivor NPC which players can meet at the beginning of Palworld. "This island is a living hell. The people I came with aren't with us any longer … Those damned Pals ate every one of 'em. You be careful out there."

Palworld detractors and organizations like PETA have spoken out on the treatment of Pals in the game with some people less amused by the behaviors than others. While people comment on aspects of the game like that, Palworld creator Pocketpair is working on stamping out cheaters, getting dedicated servers and quicker updates out for Xbox players, and releasing features outlined on the Palworld roadmap.