Pokemon Fan Video Gives a Hilarious Glimpse Into the Art of Making Curry

A fantastically-made Pokemon video shows the challenges and actual care that goes into making [...]

A fantastically-made Pokemon video shows the challenges and actual care that goes into making curry in Pokemon Sword and Shield. The 3-minute video, made and posted by "John Sandwich" shows Marnie and Gloria (the female player character from Pokemon Sword and Shield) making curry for themselves and their Pokemon. While Pokemon Sword and Shield simplifies the curry-making process, the video shows just how much care and time goes into actually making curry at camp. The video has some humorous moments as well, such as a Skwovet stealing food out of Gloria's bag, and Gloria's choice as dessert, which is both dark and hilarious. You can view the full video above.

Pokemon Sword and Shield players can make curry in Pokemon Sword and Shield, combining berries and ingredients like ramen, salad mix, or leeks together to make a curry that heals Pokemon and increases their friendship with players. Curry-making is approached as a mini-game, with players picking out ingredients, lighting a fire, stirring the curry, and then finally putting their "love" into the curry in order to increase its potency.

While curry-making got a lot of flack from fans when it was first announced, the actual mechanics are a handy way to heal Pokemon in the wild and quickly build a Pokemon's friendship's level, which gives boosts in battle and allows certain Pokemon to evolve. It's a silly part of Pokemon Sword and Shield, but one that helps show off the flavor of the Galar region. Plus, it's a lot of fun to watch Pokemon eat the dish you've so lovingly prepared.

You can watch the full video up above and check out John Sandwich's other videos on their YouTube channel.