
Pokemon Go Reveals Community Day Classic Event for April


This past weekend, Pokemon Go held a Community Day event centered around Togetic. Niantic has now revealed that a Community Day Classic event will also take place this month, which will put Swinub back in the spotlight. The event will take place on Saturday, April 29th from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. local time. Players will have an increased chance of obtaining a Shiny version of the Ice/Ground-type Pokemon, and those that evolve Piloswine into its final form by 7 p.m. will receive a Mamoswine that knows the exclusive Charged Attack Ancient Power.

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Players will need a Sinnoh Stone to evolve Piloswine into Mamoswine. Luckily, there will be several opportunities to obtain one during the event, through both Timed Research and Field Research. As is often the case with Pokemon Go‘s Community Day events, players can expect a number of bonuses, including triple Stardust on catches. Players can also expect to see Lure Modules and Incense lasting for three hours.

A chart featuring all of the details surrounding the event can be found in the Tweet embedded below.

Like Togetic, Swinub first appeared in Pokemon Gold and Silver, where it was native to the Johto region. Players that purchased the Jirachi Masterwork Research earlier this year may still be struggling to complete the Johto requirement for the first tier. For those that this applies to, the Swinub Community Day Classic event could be the perfect way to finish things off. There will be a whole lot of Swinub easily obtainable during the event, making it much easier to put a dent in the 385 Johto Pokemon required!

Community Day events have become one of Pokemon Go‘s biggest draws each month. Niantic began Community Day Classic events as a way of giving players a second opportunity to participate in events that they might have previously missed out on. For players that weren’t into the game at the time, or just might have been busy, Community Day Classic events are the perfect chance at a do-over!

Did you participate in the Togetic Community Day event? Are you happy to see Swinub back in the spotlight?Let usknow inthe comments orshareyour thoughtsdirectly onTwitter at @Marcdachamp to talk all things gaming!