
Pokemon Go Reveals New Might and Mastery Season

Season 18 of Pokemon Go is adding more favorites from Sword and Shield, and a new Shiny! 

A new season of Pokemon Go is slated to begin next week, and Niantic has finally pulled back the curtain on what to expect. Season 18 will have a theme called Might and Mastery, which will see the arrivals of more Pokemon that originally appeared in Pokemon Sword and Shield, including Nickit and its evolved form, Thievul. However, the big new addition to the game is Kubfu, who will be able to evolve into either of the 2 forms of Urshifu: Single Strike Style or Rapid Strike Style. The new season will launch on March 4th at 10 a.m. local time, and will run through June 3rd.

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When the new season launches, players can expect to see new Special Research. As has been the case with past seasons, more parts of the Special Research will unlock over time, giving players the opportunity to obtain new rewards and encounters. In fact, players will encounter Dynamax Kubfu through the Special Research this season.

In addition to the free Special Research, a paid ticket will also be offered. Titled “A Second Path,” it will be priced at $8.00, and will give players a chance at getting a second Kubfu capable of using Dynamax. The ticket will only be available between March 5th and the 10th, but as long as players have purchased and redeemed it by then, there will be no time limit on completion. A Power Up ticket will also be sold through the Shop, which will offer bonuses such as 1 extra Candy XL when completing Raids and Max Battles. A price has not been revealed just yet.

gigantamax machamp in pokemon sword and shield on nintendo switch

Speaking of Max Battles, they will remain a big part of Pokemon Go during the Might and Mastery season. Dynamax versions of Raikou, Entei, and Suicune from Pokemon Gold and Silver will all make their debuts. The Legendary trio will appear at different points, so players will have to keep an eye out for them throughout the season. In addition to those 3 Dynamax Pokemon, players can also expect to see more Gigantamax Pokemon, as well. Gigantamax Machamp has been confirmed, and Niantic is teasing that there will be others to reveal throughout the season.

Beginning on March 5th, Shiny Charcadet will begin to appear in Pokemon Go. Players can find Charcadet either through Hatching 10 km Eggs, or through Research Breakthrough encounters. Shiny Charcadet and its evolved forms Ceruledge and Armarouge are all largely the same as their normal colorations. The key difference is that Shiny Charcadet’s eyes are blue flames, rather than the normal orange and red. That color pattern continues for Shiny Armarouge, while Shiny Ceruledge gets red eyes, rather than the usual light purple.

Earlier this month, Niantic revealed a full list of dates for Community Days and other events players can expect during Might and Mastery (which didn’t have a name at the time). Readers can find that full list right here. The first of the Community Day events is just around the corner, and will take place on Saturday, March 8th. The event will put the Fire-type Pokemon Fuecoco in the spotlight. Fuecoco is the second Paldean starter to get their own Community Day in 2025, which means we can expect to see Quaxly at some point this year as well.

Are you excited for the new season of Pokemon Go? How do you feel about this new content in the game? Share your thoughts with me directly on Bluesky atย @Marcdachamp, or on Instagram atย @Dachampgaming!