Pokemon Go‘s popular Water Festival event will make its glorious in-game return starting today, June 7th.
Videos by ComicBook.com
Pokemon Go announced that they will be holding their second annual Water Festival event starting today at 1 PM PT. As with last year’s event, Water-Type Pokemon like Magikarp and Wailmer will spawn in greater frequency all around the world. In addition, players will get a Triple Stardust bonus for every Water-Type Pokemon they catch. As part of the event, Kyogre will also make its return as a Legendary Raid Boss.
Pokemon featured in the promo image for the event includes Wingull, Lapras, Squirtle, and Marill, so players can probably to expect to see all those Water-Type Pokemon make appearances during the event.
The game will also give out special 2 KM eggs containing Water-Type Pokemon like Totodile, Mudkip, and Corphish. For each egg hatched during the event, players will get double the amount of Candy and Stardust.
Finally, Pokemon Go will also add more new Field Research tasks with an emphasis on capturing or evolving certain Water-Type Pokemon.
Pokemon Go also announced that two Shiny Pokemon will make their appearances during the Water Festival. Players will have a chance to find a Shiny version of Shellder (which has an orange shell instead of its usual purple shell) in the wild. Players who battle Kyogre in gyms will also have a chance to capture its Shiny form, which is bright purple instead of blue.
Last year’s Water Festival was the game’s first “themed” event, in which certain types of Pokemon started to spawn in the wild. The event was wildly successful in part because it gave players a chance to add rare Pokemon like Gyarados to their collection, as well as capture their first ever Shiny Pokemon. Shiny Pokemon have since become a regular addition in every Pokemon Go event.
The Water Festival will take place from June 7th through June 21st, which means that players will get a “double event” on June 16th, when Pokemon Go holds its Larvitar-themed Community Day event. Hypothetically, that means players have a chance of grabbing both a Shiny Tyranitar AND a Shiny Kyogre if they’re really lucky this month.