New PS5 DualSense Controller Feature Has Some PlayStation Gamers Very Worried

This week, Sony finally revealed the PS5 controller, which won't be called the DualShcok 5, but [...]

This week, Sony finally revealed the PS5 controller, which won't be called the DualShcok 5, but the DualSense. In addition to revealing our first look at the controller, the PlayStation makers also revealed some new details about the controller, including what type of new features it's packing. One of these new features is a built-in mic. To communicate with friends or other players on PS4, you need to have a headset. On PS5, this won't be a requirement, courtesy of this built-in mic. That said, not everyone is excited about this new feature.

The moment Sony confirmed this feature, there was some backlash from certain PlayStation gamers who cited the privacy concerns about having a mic built right into the DualSense. For one, nobody loves the idea of a mic that is always on. Of course, you can probably turn it off, but this isn't going to settle the fears of some who are worried about not only their private conversations being heard, but recorded and retained.

Meanwhile, others are pointing out that now developers are going to be responsible for making sure that voice chat is off by default, because if they don't, people will inevitably broadcast things they don't want heard to complete strangers. At the very least, it's going to be a hassle for everyone involved.

Beyond this, the DualSense mic is apparently using some advanced filtering technology, and will be able to identify a player's voice. The thinking behind the latter is that if the controller can identify the player's voice, it can retain this while blocking out all of the background chatter and noises.

On the surface level, this sounds pretty novel, but some are worried about the idea that Sony will essentially have a print of your voice. Of course, for some, the implications here are worrying, especially considering Sony's shoddy history when it comes to protecting player's private information.

Of course, given that we all carry mics in our pocket, regularly hand over our private date to everyone, and have devices in our homes constantly listening to us, being concerned about the built-in mic on the PS5 seems a bit silly, but there are some good points being raised.

The PlayStation 5 is currently scheduled to release sometime this holiday season. For more coverage on the console -- including news, rumors, and the latest leaks -- click here. Meanwhile, as always, feel free to hit the comments section and let us know what you think about this topic or, alternatively, hit me up on Twitter @Tyler_Fischer_ and let me know over there.