
Resident Evil 4 Remake Crosses a Massive Sales Milestone

Resident Evil 4 Remake has officially crossed five million copies sold across physical and digital.

Resident Evil 4‘s remake has been an unsurprising hit for developer Capcom. Given that it’s a remake of one of the most popular games of all time and that Capcom’s recent streak of remakes have all been successes, it was almost guaranteed to do big numbers for the publisher. That said, Capcom announced today that Resident Evil 4 Remake has crossed a huge milestone, hitting over five million units sold across physical and digital. Again, we already knew it was selling well when it passed three million in just two days, but this latest milestone proves that the game has staying power and should continue to be a major factor in Capcom’s sales for the rest of the year.

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What’s most interesting about RE4 crossing this latest milestone is that it could lend even more credence to the recent leaks that we’re getting some kind of DLC content for the game. With so many people hopping in to save the president’s daughter as Leon Kennedy again, it would make sense for Capcom to follow that up with more things for players to do. Since it hasn’t announced the next game in the mainline series yet, DLC would be the only real way for that to happen this year.ย

In fact, some leaks are claiming that Resident Evil 9 won’t be out until 2025. If that is the case, a new piece of DLC for Resident Evil 4 Remake would help sate fans’ desires for more to play in their favorite franchise. And since that game has such a massive install base already, Capcom can likely expect any DLC to do great numbers sales-wise if it chooses to go that route.

Either way, it’s great to see Resident Evil games continuing to sell incredibly well. The franchise has been in a renaissance period over the last half-decade, and it doesn’t seem to be slowing down anytime soon. While we might not know exactly what Resident Evil 9 will be or when it’s coming out, it’s good to know that there’s still plenty of quality horror for players to dive into.