Respawn Gives Hope for More Titanfall

The back-and-forth rumors and conversations about the future of Titanfall culminated in a cryptic yet hopeful tweet from Respawn Entertainment this week. Though comments from a Respawn developer understandably led people to believe there was nothing in Titanfall's future since the developer explicitly said "there's nothing there," it appears that might not be the case after all. Respawn's latest tweet appears to contradict those claims by saying "who knows what the future holds."

Respawn, the creators of the first two Titanfall games and the ones who would know best what the future holds for that series, shared the tweet below on Wednesday evening following a day of discourse surrounding comments from community coordinator Jason Garza. The developer was asked by viewers during a stream if any comments on Titanfall could be shared. He said there was nothing there and that Respawn had too many other projects in the works, but the official Respawn Twitter account had a different perspective.

And with that tweet, we've back to square one which is not knowing whether something related to Titanfall is in the works or not. Electronic Arts has occasionally addressed the idea of future Titanfall projects in the past, but nothing definitive has been said about whether or not we'll be getting a new game – presumably Titanfall 3 unless it goes by another name – or something else entirely.

As for the Titanfall games that are readily available to play, the most recent one was Titanfall 2 which released in 2016 after the original Titanfall launched in 2014. Both, but particularly Titanfall 2, were regarded as superb shooters, so it's no wonder that people still play them now and want more of them in the future. The sequel has been subjected to hacking attempts and other attacks which Respawn's addressed in the past.

Apex Legends, meanwhile, exists within the Titanfall universe and has therefore been getting some Titanfall-y content even though no new Titanfall game itself has been announced. Weapons and lore tidbits are the most common examples of this, but Valkyrie, the Legend released in Season 9, was one of the more direct callbacks to the world of Titanfall people knew from the games.

Seeing how Titanfall is the core of Respawn's DNA, according to the developer, there's reason to believe the Titanfall content won't dry up anytime soon. Whether that means a new mainline game, a different take on the Titanfall franchise, or more Titanfall content somewhere else, it appears as though Titanfall fans shouldn't give up hope just yet.