
Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 Reveals Patch Notes for New Update

A new update for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 just dropped.

Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Raven Guard Champion

The next chapter of Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 is here, bringing new content and quality-of-life features. Both PvE and PvP fans will be delighted with everything the 6.0 Update brings. While some may be out of the loop and not know what to expect with this latest update, Focus Entertainment has revealed every change and addition with detailed patch notes. From new weapons to UI changes, this new Space Marine 2 update brings new players to the game and gives current players more content to enjoy.

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The Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine 2 6.0 Update adds the Battle Barge expansion, a new map, a new enemy, UI quality-of-life features, new Champions and cosmetics, and more. For a full list of everything added, check out the patch notes below:

Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Update
Warhammer 40,000: space marine 2 Update.

New Features

Battle Barge Expansion: Datavault 

The Datavault is a new area on the Battle Barge. Players can complete Ordeals in Campaign, Operations and Eternal War modes to challenge their skill and earn Research Data currency. In the Research Center players can unlock more information about enemies and allies using research data currency. 

Exploration in the Research Center is rewarded with different rewards: 4 new icons for the right pauldron, 2 new weapon skins and 2 new armour parts.

New PvP Map: Tomb

โ€‹This PvP map is based around a similar structure to our other maps, but utilizes a different approach to the design of battle zones. Overall, Tomb is the smallest map of all the PvP maps. 

The map design includes fast routes on the flanks and a close-quarters central battle zone, which can be attacked from all the sides.

New Enemy: Biovore

โ€‹We have added a new Extremis enemy for the Tyranids, the Biovore. It is a fast, mobile living-artillery creature that can keep the distance, fortify and shoot spore mines in its enemies. 

But it is far from defenseless in close combat, and can attack with its legs, performing a series of fast melee attacks.

Emotes System

We have added an in-game emote system that includes a pound to the chest, a battle cry, and even a stoic handshake. You can use any of the 6 emotes in any game mode via the emote wheel.

Armoury Data Refinement

We added a new Tech-Priest workshop in the Armoury of the Battle Barge. It is an exchange point where the player can:

  • Exchange low tier Armoury Data to higher tier variants.
  • Sell Armoury Data  in exchange for Requisition points.

This will allow players to get relic armoury data without having to beat higher difficulties.

New PvE Difficulty: Absolute

This difficulty is focused on new, more diverse enemy packs that bring extreme challenge. Resources and ammo are also more limited.

FOV Slider on PC

Players will now be able to modify the camera’s field of view for a more personalised experience.

Opt in PvP Crossplay option for consoles

We have lifted the restriction on cross-play for PvP across PC and consoles, now  players can choose whether or not they wish to play with the wider community. You must be in the title screen settings to toggle this option.

New Finishers

New finisher animations have been added to purge the xenos and traitors with style:

  • 1 for Zoanthrope;
  • 2 for Rubric Marines;
  • 1 for Scarab Occult Terminator. 

Additional Mastery for Full Progression

When a weapon is fully upgraded, the player is now awarded an additional mastery point (works retroactively).

Quick Match Bonus

Players will now receive additional bonus XP if they play in Quick Match, as a reward for not being able to select the Operation theyโ€™re playing.

New Season Pass Content

Added: Salamanders Champion Pack (Sniper class)

Added: Raven Guard Cosmetic Pack

Warhammer 40K Space Marine 2 Raven Guard Champion
Raven guard champion for warhammer 40k: space marine 2.


Shared slots for Skins Recolour:

  • Added a new slots tab in the customiser for Shared Colour Presets. This preset can be used across any class and any game mode

Chapter decals are now available for right pauldrons (for the Deathwatch fans!):

  • All base chapter decals are now available for the right pauldron. (These only need to be unlocked once, allowing you to place them on either pauldron)

Customisation Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with  a Pauldron emblem from the Dark Angels DLC not having a colour option
  • Fixed a bug where loading into a match while previewing a locked piece of armour could result in this piece being equipped after the match ends or player leaves it
  • Fixed a bug with Champion’s backpack that caused incorrect colouration after switching, in some rare cases

Gameplay & Balancing

Class Perks Update

โ€œBalancing wise, the focus of this update was to review perk trees of all classes. There were clear outsiders that didn’t get picked. While there are some nerfs in the list, the vast majority of changes are buffs that should benefit different playstyles. With the next patch we will be focusing on weapon perks and weapons class restrictions.โ€


  • Fixed damage bonuses from multiple Auspex Scan perks stacking incorrectly.

Note: We found that several Auspex Scan perks were not stacking correctly when used together. This had to be fixed to ensure functionality. We will be watching for Auspex Scan and will make adjustments in the future if this fix makes the ability not as effective as it originally was.

Heightened Vigour: 

  • Knockback immunity effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds
  • Added melee and gun strike bonus damage effect

Communion of Fire: 

  • Recoil reduction bonus increased from 20% to 25% 
  • Added a ranged damage bonus effect against Extremis-level enemies

Close Targeting: 

  • The perk effect has been reworked, the new version is: “When Auspex Scan is in cooldown, Melee Damage increases by 15%” from โ€œWhen Auspex Scan is in cooldown, Melee Damage increases by 50% against Minoris-level enemies.โ€

Note: This perk was originally intended to be used to crush hordes of Minoris-level enemies, but we decided to expand its effect to other enemies, lowering the bonus a bit to avoid overpowering it.

Signal Jammer: 

  • Added an effect of automatically killing an enemy who tries to call for reinforcements

Note: The original perk was not very effective, and we wanted to add some  greater utility to it.

Plasma Boost: 

  • Activation threshold lowered from โ€œ50% Overheatedโ€ to โ€œ30% Overheatedโ€ 
  • Bonus damage increased from 30% to 40%
  • Added an effect to reduce the energy cost of charged shots by 1

Steady Aim: 

  • The perk effect has been reworked, the new version is: “Weapon Spread and Recoil is reduced by 20%, and Ranged Damage against Terminus-level enemies is increased by 10%” from โ€œRecoil is reduced by 10%โ€.

Aligned Aim: 

  • Fixed a typo that stated the perk provides 5% bonus damage instead of the actual 15%.

Improved Efficiency: 

  • Changed the perk activation condition from โ€œScanning 20 enemies with one Auspex Scan restores Equipment Charge by 1โ€ to โ€œScanning 10 any enemies or 3 Majoris-level or higher enemies with one Auspex Scan restores Equipment Charge by 1โ€.

Note: This is a great perk, but we found that it performed worse on higher difficulties and against Chaos in particular. The new effect should fix that difference.

Expert Timing: 

  • Bonus damage reduced from 100% to 75%
  • Fixed incorrect perk effect (reducing zone’s duration instead of mark’s duration)

Note: This perk has performed much better than we originally planned, especially with the bug that was causing incorrect stacking of damage from multiple perks, so we want to try nerfing its bonus damage a bit while buffing adjacent perks. It should provide more build options to experiment with.

Radiating Impact: 

  • Increased perk’s damage from 75 to 100
  • Increased perk’s radius from 5 to 10 
  • Added effect radius in description 
  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Note: Damage-dealing perks previously did not scale with difficulty. We planned to keep this to make enemies harder to defeat, but we found that on higher difficulties these perks rarely made a significant contribution. So now several of these perks will have higher damage as difficulty increases.


  • Bonus damage increased from 20% to 25%

Emperor’s Vengeance: 

  • Fixed restoring grenades for the Grenade Launcher (now restores one grenade per activation).

Note: Unfortunately, restoring a full set of grenades every 30 seconds was never intended to be the case and has proven disastrously effective. We understand that this will significantly nerf the perk and will be watching if this makes it less popular. If so, we will make changes in the future.

Target Lock: 

  • Bonus damage increased from 25% to 75%

Precise Calibration: 

  • Fixed a bug where this perk affected equipment damage.

Concentrated Fire: 

  • Bonus damage increased from 100% to 120% 
  • The duration of the Auspex Scan zone is now extended by 40%

Winged Fury: 

  • Bonus damage increased from 25% to 40%


  • Bonus damage increased from 15% to 25%


  • Bonus damage increased from 15% to 25%
  • Effect duration increased from 10 to 20 seconds


  • Added damage scale by difficulty.

Armour Reinforcement: 

  • Fixed incorrect armour restoration and updated localisation to better reflect the intended effect of the perk (1 armour segment restored per non-lethal Gun Strike).

Note: Initially the armour restoration effect was equal to the finisher, which allowed this perk to restore all armour on any gun strike to bosses. It allowed almost infinite armour restoration. We will be watching this perk and will make adjustments in the future if this fix makes it unpleasantly weak.

Consecutive Execution:

  • Cooldown reduced from 180 to 90 seconds 
  • The perk no longer goes on cooldown when a player has a full pack of equipment

Proven Efficiency: 

  • Bonus damage reduced from 50% to 30%

Note: This perk has performed much better than we originally planned, so we want to try nerfing its bonus damage a bit while buffing the adjacent Strategic Strikes perk (Squad Cohesion should be pretty great as is). It should provide more build options to experiment with.

Aerial Grace: 

  • Bonus damage increased from 25% to 30% 
  • Effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds

Moving Target: 

  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 1% to 2% by attack 
  • Maximum bonus  increased from 15% to 20% 
  • The time for the next attack has been increased from 3 to 5 seconds 
  • This time no longer counted during finisher animations


  • Bonus damage increased from 20% to 25% 
  • Effect duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds

Restless Fortitude: 

  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 10% to 20%

Zone of Impact: 

  • Increased perk’s damage from 20 to 50 
  • Increased perk’s radius from 5 to 10
  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Thrill of the Fight: 

  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 15% to 20% 
  • Effect duration increased from 3 to 5 seconds

Tactical Prowess: 

  • Now it also allows the Grapnel Launcher to activate Finisher on enemies, who have less than 25% HP (without this perk, the Grapnel Launcher can do it only with incapacitated enemies).

Note: Grapnel Launcher has had a hidden mechanic this whole time โ€“ when used on an incapacitated enemy, Vanguard would automatically activate a finisher on them. It is not a life-important feature but pretty neat in combat. We would like to highlight it with this perk.

Close-Combat Focus: 

  • The perk effect has been reworked, the new version is: “You take 20% less Ranged Damageโ€ from โ€œYou take 20% less Melee Damage but 10% more Ranged Damageโ€

Note: This perk was supposed to exchange one type of protection to another, but over time we were unable to make this exchange pleasant for players. So we decided to just give a bonus in this perk.

Consecutive Execution: 

  • Cooldown reduced from 180 to 90 seconds
  • The perk no longer goes on cooldown when a player has a full pack of equipment

Unmatched Zeal: 

  • Health regeneration bonus increased from 5% to 20%
  • Perk now works against Terminus-level enemies as well.

Shock Wave: 

  • Added damage scale by difficulty.


  • Bonus damage increased from 25% to 40%
  • Effect duration increased from 10 to 15 seconds
  • The cooldown was removed

Grim Determination: 

  • Increased bonus damage from 10% to 15%.

Emperor’s Blessing: 

  • Cooldown is reduced from 180 seconds to 120 seconds.

Note: The Emperor appreciates your hard work in exterminating the enemies of humanity and now grants His Blessing a little more frequently.

Upper Hand: 

  • Effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds.


  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 15% to 25%.

Inner Fire: 

  • Added condition of finishing Majoris-level enemy or higher to activate the perk.

Note: This is a good perk both in terms of effect and balance, but finishing off very weak enemies allowed the ability to be restored too effectively, so we added a limitation here.

Collateral Damage: 

  • Increased perk’s damage from 5 to 10
  • Added damage value to perk description
  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Adrenaline Rush: 

  • Health restoration is reduced from 10% to 5%.

Note: This is a great perk, but unfortunately it allows experienced Vanguards to solo all their problems and leave their team to be torn apart by the enemy. Our test shows that even despite significant numerical reduction this is a very, very strong perk, and as always will be watching to see if this perk is nerfed too much.

Camo Cloak class perk (Starting Perk): 

  • Added bonus damage value to perk description.

Iron Grip: 

  • The perk effect has been reworked, the new version is: “Weapon Spread and Recoil is reduced by 20% and Ranged Damage against Terminus-level enemies is increased by 15% for Bolt Sniper and Stalker Bolt Rifles” from โ€œRecoil from Bolt Sniper Rifles and Stalker Bolt rifles is reduced by 30%โ€


  • Now also restores all Contested Health when manually activating Camo Cloak.


  • Added heavy hit protection and knockback reduction effect
  • Effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds

Melee Mastery: 

  • Bonus damage increased from 10% to 20%

Vantage Point: 

  • Now also works on secondary weapons.

Dexterous Hands: 

  • Reload speed increased from 15 to 20
  • Added Bolt Carbine’s spread and recoil reduction effect

Precision Targeting: 

  • Spread reduction bonus increased from 20 to 25 
  • Added a ranged damage bonus effect against Extremis-level enemies

Efficient Readiness: 

  • Now also provides a 10% movement speed boost effect while Camo Cloak is active

Note: This was an effect we wanted to try out initially but only managed to do it now. Use it to reposition yourself and strike down enemies but not to abandon your teammates!


  • Bonus damage increased from 15% to 25% 
  • Effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds

Tactical Ambush: 

  • Bonus damage increased from 100% to 150%.


  • Cooldown reduced from 30 to 25 seconds.

Pattern of Excellence: 

  • Reduced the number of consecutive headshots required to activate the perk from 4 to 3.

Enhanced Force: 

  • The perk effect has been reworked, the new version is: “Melee Damage increases by 30%” from โ€œDamage from Charged Melee Attacks increases by 20%โ€.

Note: We like the possibility to cover Heavy’s almost only weakness โ€“ Melee Combat โ€“ with perks, so we decided to significantly improve this perk.

Encompassing Aegis: 

  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 20% to 25%

Adamant Will: 

  • Effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds

Saving Grace: 

  • Added full armour restoration effect

Note: Selflessly saving your allies is a noble act that should be rewarded more than the ability charge used for it.

Offensive Capability:

  • Increased perk’s damage frequency 
  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Consecutive Execution: 

  • Cooldown reduced from 180 to 90 seconds
  • The perk no longer goes on cooldown when a player has a full pack of equipment

Field Adjustment: 

  • Iron Halo durability reduction changed from 30% to 25%

Coolant Reserve: 

  • Added 15% bonus damage effect

Auxiliary Ammunition: 

  • Fixed incorrectly working cooldown

Strategic Stand: 

  • Added heavy hit protection and knockback reduction effect

Power Regulator: 

  • Iron Halo charge drain reduction changed from 15% to 20%

Wrath of the Imperium: 

  • Increased perk’s damage from 50 to 100
  • Radius increased from 5 to 10 
  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Conversion Field: 

  • Fixed a typo that stated the perk worked at 100 meters instead of the actual 10 meters

Note: Sure, it was too good to be true. But we will be watching this perk in case it needs a buff.

Overall: A few perks have been swapped.

Note: We noticed that players were making the same build for Bulwark with some minor differences and swapped two pairs of perks to provide players with more build options, making the perk sets in tiers more versatile.


  • Effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds

Armour of Contempt: 

  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Focused Restoration (renamed from โ€œReinforced Ceramiteโ€): 

  • The perk effect has been reworked, the new version is: “Every 40 seconds, all Squad Members automatically restore 1 Armour Segment” from โ€œThe delay before Armour begins to passively regenerate is reduced by 5 seconds for all squad membersโ€

Note: We noticed that this perk hardly works in combat, essentially only reducing the wait for armour to regenerate after combat. So we decided to try a different approach and made armour regenerate periodically.

Concussive Force: 

  • Increased perk’s damage to 200%

Purity of Purpose: 

  • Increased perk’s damage frequency
  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Intimidating Aura: 

  • Added cooldown (5 seconds) 
  • Added damage scale by difficulty

Note: This perk has been performing incredibly well on lower difficulties and with the damage scale it should be just as powerful on higher difficulties. We do not want to reduce the damage of this perk, so we decided to add a small cooldown only to prevent spamming it.

Steel Within: 

  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 25% to 30%.

Rapid Regeneration: 

  • Chapter Banner duration reduction is changed from 5 seconds to 10 seconds.

Merciless Resolve:

  •  Added 15% bonus melee damage effect

Glory’s Shield: 

  • Fixed the typo in description, which did not specify the ranged damage type 
  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 10% to 20% 
  • Added 20% bonus to banner’s duration

Forward Momentum:

  • Bonus damage increased from 25% to 30%
  • Effect duration increased from 5 to 10 seconds

Scrambled Targeting: 

  • Damage reducing bonus increased from 20% to 25%

Armour Reinforcement: 

  • Fixed incorrect armour restoration 
  • Updated localisation to better reflect the intended effect of the perk (1 armour segment restored per non-lethal gunstrike)

Effective Formation: 

  • Now works against Extremis-level enemies as well

Invigorating Icon: 

  • Added effect of slowing by 100% the recharge time of the banner. (twice longer)

Note: We have noticed that this perk often encourages players to hold off on using Banner until the very last resort. We like this change in strategy, but the perk itself makes Banner overpowered. So we want to tone it down so that it requires more thoughtful timing when activating the ability.


  • Bonus damage increased from 10% to 20%

Contingency Plan Perk (Multi-Melta; Heavy Bolter; Heavy Plasma Incinerator):

  • Fixed incorrect numbers in perk’s description.

Elite Restoration Perk (Multi-Melta):

  • Fixed incorrect display of enemy class in perk’s description.

Perfect Block (All melee weapons)

โ€œWe think blocking weapons were almost in a good spot. This is a significant buff that should make blocking weapons more viable versus Chaos enemies, because they don’t have a lot of melee combos, making it difficult to gain full damage bonus from blocking weapons.โ€

  • Adrenaline Surge stacks needed for maximum effect are decreased to 2 from 3.
  • Armour recovery from maximum effect is decreased from 2 to 1.

Power Fist

โ€œPower Fist is one of the least popular melee weapons (despite being one of the coolest๐Ÿ‘Š). We are making it more practical in combat by extending its AoE damage and making it easier to charge.โ€

  • Maximum charge time reduced from 3.9 seconds to 2.5 seconds for hold attacks.
  • Hold attacks can now be partially charged (it used to be 1 charge for full damage bonus, now it’s 2 quicker charges for 50% smaller bonuses).
  • Forward cone damage distance is increased up to 10 meters, making it more viable in mid range.


โ€œWhile Bolter weapons are finding their spot in the game, we are making another round of Bolter weapons buffs to make them viable on the new difficulty.โ€

  • Bolt Rifle: Base damage is increased by 8%.
  • Auto Bolt Rifle: Base damage is increased by 6%.
  • Heavy Bolt Rifle: Base damage is increased by 5%.
  • Bolt Carbine (SMG Versions): Base damage is increased by 7%.
  • Bolt Carbine (Marksman Versions): Base damage is increased by 5%.
  • Occulus Bolt Carbine: Base damage is increased by 10%.
  • Instigator Bolt Carbine: Base damage is increased by 5%.
  • Stalker Bolt Rifle: Base damage is increased by 7%.

Grenade Launcher Rebalance:

โ€œPreviously, the artificer and relic damage values were set incorrectly, with a combination of buggy damage bonuses stacking from Auspex Scan. This resulted in insane damage values. While the damage reduction looks big on paper you can still obliterate entire waves with GL. However, with changes below, you won’t be able to 1-shot bosses anymore.โ€

  • Reduced the damage amount for AUX Grenade Launcher version (from 25/100/100 to 25/50/75).


โ€œThese changes are made to make Terminus enemies more resistant to explosive damage, so they cannot be killed by GL that easily.

In return we are buffing equipment damage to make it more viable against Terminus enemies.โ€

Melta Bomb Damage Buff:

  • Increased Melta Bomb damage amount from 201 to 221 
  • Reverted reduced damage to bosses introduced in previous patches.

Krak Grenade Damage Buff:

  • Increased Krak Grenade damage amount from 110 to 120.

Bosses’ Explosive Sensitivity Rebalance:

  • Changed bosses sensitivity to equipment and grenade launcher from ~0.4 to ~0.25.

Gameplay QoL

Kick votes can no longer be launched in the final stages of an Operation.

Grapnel Launcher Ability:

  • Incapacitated enemies that were hit by Grapnel Launcher (which allows Vanguard to automatically finish off an enemy upon landing) can no longer be finished off by other players while Vanguard is being pulled
  • Vanguard can no longer take damage when pulled to an enemy

Jump Pack:

  • Fixed a bug with Assault flying up after using Jump Pack in some cases
  • Fixed a bug where character could hit the air when performing a ground pound in Story mode in some cases


  • Fixed an issue where Gunstrike may get canceled during usage
  • Fixed a bug where the Heavy class couldnโ€™t turn on/off Iron Halo ability during the sprint
  • Fixed a rare issue where if Parry was pressed at the exact same time as melee attack – no action would take place


PvP Match Ending:

  • Added short delay between post match screen and triggering of the win condition
  • Added smooth fade-in on the screen and lock on all inputs from the player
  • Fixed a bug where Heavy’s Iron Halo could stay if activated right before the death in some rare cases.
  • Fixed a rare bug where Iron Halo was not disabled when enemy Vanguard hooked at Heavy.
  • Fixed an issue where there was no shield sight mark while hitting the enemy shields with plasma.
  • Fixed a bug where Assault couldnโ€™t hover on the jump pack after making a Ground Pound.
  • Fixed an Infinite loading screen onto the Battle Barge after the end of a PvP match in some rare cases.
  • Many small fixes in level geometry collision


  • AI Synaptic shock and AI friendly fire damage now scales with difficulty

Hierophant Bio-Titan

  • Reduced damage sensitivity to normal weapons (you can still damage it)

Zoanthrope & Neurothope Gun Strike:

  • Perfectly dodging Zoanthrope and Neurothrope “beam” attacks will now trigger Gun Strike


  • Fixed a bug where Neurothrope would freeze in the air when incapacitated after some attack


  • Added more variations to his AI reactions to getting hit
  • Fixed an issue that would make Carnifex stay idle when getting shot

Tyranid Warrior Lash Whip:

  • Fixed a rare issue making the enemy enter idle state during combat after getting hit

Tzaangor Enlightened:

  • Dodge desirability and cooldown are increased, now it will use dodge less likely when it is under aim and will dodge rarely
  • Explosive spear attack damage reduced

Rubric Flamer:

  • Flamer shooting distance is slightly decreased
  • Slightly increased time for players to react the Flame attack

Rubric Bolter:

  • Slightly Increased time for players to react on precise shot attack
  • Burst fire attack length is slightly decreased

Scarab Occult Terminator Ranged:

  • Reduced the number of rocket barrages that Terminator can shoot in a row
  • Increased desired range for rocket barrage, now terminator will less likely shoot rocket barrage in the player that are close to him


  • Lots of minor animation fixes for various enemies.


Fall of Atreus:

  • Fixed a bug that would cause enemies to not spawn in some areas of Fall Of Atreus


  • Added notification about the chalice forgotten on the holder when leaving the location
  • Fixed VO bugs related in the cave part of the level. 

Vox Liberatis:

  • Fixed a bug where dying on Vox Liberatis after interacting with the last altar may show Defeat Screen after Victory cinematic


  • Many small fixes in level geometry collision and Terminus enemies getting stuck in some areas

General Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that was causing partial save loss in some rare cases
  • Fixed a bug where Heavy’s primary weapon would not shoot after joining in progress
  • Fixed a rare bug that would cause a player to be kicked from the party after a leadership transfer
  • Many minor fixes in perks, how they stack and how they trigger in rare cases
  • Minor UI fixes and improvements
  • Localisation fixes


  • Crash fixes and general stability improvements
  • General connectivity improvements
  • Slightly optimised memory consumption
  • Slightly improved performance
  • Slightly improved texture streaming speed
  • Improved Anti-Cheat

Render Improvements

  • Fixed an issue with capsule shadows tech