Steam Gets a Helpful Download Feature Just In Time for Steam Deck Release

Valve has updated its Steam client for the better this week with a new feature now allowing user to see just how much space they'll need for a game prior to downloading it. It may not seem like a huge change – and it isn't really – but it's one that's so convenient that it'll make users wonder why it wasn't there in the first place. This new feature is part of a beta update that's been rolled out to Steam now, so it might take a while longer before all users see it available in their clients.

If you get Steam's beta updates, you can head to your app now to see the feature in action. Simply navigate to a game that you don't yet have downloaded, and next to the install option, you should now see information about how much space is required to download that game. You'll still see the total play time listed alongside that information as well, so those who wear that stat like a badge of honor will still have it on display.

By comparison, the previous method of figuring out the install size for a new game was still available but took a few more steps. You had to actually hit the "Install" button before you got the pop-up from Steam that asked about where the file would be downloaded and other information. It was there that it would say how much space the game would take up, so that information has now simply been moved to the forefront.

While the new feature hasn't been mentioned really in any of Valve's official messages or notices, it could be that this feature was timed for a release alongside the Steam Deck device that'll be in the hands of the public soon. The Steam Deck is due out on February 25th with those who staked their claim on one previously getting the first chance to own one and try their Steam games out on-the-go. One can assume that the Steam Deck's listings of Steam games will show the same file size information that beta users now see given that it's the same app just on a different device, so those looking to make the most out of their Steam Deck's storage will have this feature to look forward to.