The Elder Scrolls 6 Gameplay Footage "Leaks" Online, But Is It Real?

The Elder Scrolls 6 gameplay footage has 'leaked' online, but is it real? Well, that's the [...]

The Elder Scrolls 6 gameplay footage has "leaked" online, but is it real? Well, that's the question that has The Elder Scrolls fans over on Reddit and elsewhere divided. It's coming up on three years since Bethesda announced The Elder Scrolls 6. Since the game was announced at E3 2018, it's been nothing but crickets. Not only is Bethesda not shown anything of the game, but it's hardly said anything about the game either, or at least it hasn't said anything salient. That said, while Bethesda continues to torture fans with silence, a new "leak" has surfaced online with our first look at the title's gameplay.

The leak comes the way of 4chan, which is the first red flag. While 4chan does occasionally produce genuine leaks and legit rumors, it also proliferates a lot of bollocks. As for the footage itself, it's short, blurry, and generic, all of which works against the leak as well.

The gameplay footage is supposedly from a build of the game for the purpose of map testing. It being generic and a bit barren isn't a huge red flag because it could be an early build. However, the amount of motion blur is certainly suspicious.

Below, you can check out the footage for yourself:

Video taken from 4chan leak, could be map testing of Elder Scrolls 6 from r/ElderScrolls

At the moment of publishing, Bethesda has not commented on this footage in any capacity, and it's unlikely it will as it maintains a fairly strict "no comment" policy when it comes to leaks and rumors. However, if it does, we will be sure to update the story accordingly. In the meantime, we recommend taking the footage above with a grain of salt. Not only is nothing here official, but the footage raises some red flags.

The Elder Scrolls 6 is in development for PC. Right now, there's been no concrete word of any additional platforms or a release date/release window. For more coverage on the game and all things gaming, click here or check out the relevant links below: