First Uncharted Movie Footage Released in Odd Way

The first footage of the upcoming Uncharted movie has officially made it online, but in a... [...]

The first footage of the upcoming Uncharted movie has officially made it online, but in a... somewhat unconventional manner. Clipped together with various bits of other footage and information about Sony's innovation initiatives and employees is roughly two seconds showing Mark Wahlberg's Sully and Tom Holland's Nathan Drake decked out in suits. What they are doing there, and why Sully still doesn't have his iconic mustache is anyone's question at this point as essentially nothing is known about the plot of the movie yet despite its February 18, 2022 release date.

Again, and just to be clear, this is an extremely brief look at the film. It appears on screen in the video embedded above around the 1:32 mark and is off the screen by 1:35. That said, the fact that this footage and the new still of Holland and Wahlberg as Drake and Sully released this week, it seems fair to speculate that we could soon see a lot more about the upcoming video game adaptation. The small tidbits that have been released thus far haven't really given any serious insight into how Holland or Wahlberg play their roles, but that hasn't stopped Holland from talking about it a bit in the past.

"As soon as you start worrying about 'Do I look good in this shot?' acting becomes something other than playing a character," Holland told GQ earlier this year. "I think there are elements of my performance in Uncharted where I kind of fell under that spell of being 'I want to look good now. I want this to be my cool moment.' I had to play this very tough, very stoic guy – basically be Mark Wahlberg. My character is supposed to be a fucking action hero in this moment! Look, I haven't seen it, so I don't know if I succeeded in that. But it was an important lesson learned, because, at times, it was less about land a mark and go through this scene and more about land a mark, stand like this and see my bulging biceps... It was a mistake and is something that I will probably never do again."

The Uncharted movie is currently set to release in theaters on February 18, 2022 after several delays. It stars Tom Holland as Nathan Drake, Mark Wahlberg as Victor "Sully" Sullivan, and Antonio Banderas in an unnamed role. The film will also feature Sophia Ali (Grey's Anatomy) and Tati Gabrielle (The 100). Venom director Ruben Fleischer serves as director of the adaptation. You can check out all of our previous coverage of the upcoming Uncharted movie right here.

What do you think about the new footage from the Uncharted movie? Do you think an actual trailer will release at some point soon? Let us know in the comments, or feel free to reach out and hit me up directly over on Twitter at @rollinbishop to talk about all things gaming!