Recently, rumors have been swirling about a new Kingdom Hearts adaptation. At first, the claim was that the team at Square Enix was working on either a TV series or movie, but a recent rumor clarified that it’s a film that’s in the works. That said, even that rumor makes it clear that “nothing has been greenlit” but said, “Disney is developing an animated Kingdom Hearts movie.” That last part is important because a new rumor has further clarified the format this rumored Kingdom Hearts movie will take. Fans of films like Space Jam and Who Framed Roger Rabbit should be very excited.
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Kingdom Hearts Movie Reportedly a Live-Action/CGI Hybrid
Before hopping into the meat of this rumor, it’s important to remember that this is far from official. This leak comes from DanielRPK on Twitter, who was the account behind the first rumor that kicked this whole thing off. Until Disney or Square Enix announces something official, you’ll want to take this with a massive grain of salt. That said, it is important to note that other leakers have come forward to corroborate parts of DanielRPK’s original post, so there’s definitely something brewing here.
The new addition to the rumor is that the Kingdom Hearts film will use a hybrid of live-action and CGI to tell its story. Obviously, at this stage, it’s impossible to know the exact form that will take. The team may use real-life actors for the Final Fantasy characters or it might only use those actors for certain Disney properties. For example, if something like Pirates of the Caribbean is in the movie, Disney might bring in live-action actors for those scenes. Again, we can’t do much more than guess at this stage, but there are a few avenues Disney and Square Enix could take with the project.
Kingdom Hearts 4 Release Date
While the Kingdom Hearts film project is undoubtedly exciting, most fans are looking forward to the eventual release of Kingdom Hearts 4. Fortunately, we recently received a new leak about that game, though again, you’ll want to take this with a hefty dose of skepticism. Remember, Kingdom Hearts 4 was originally revealed a little over two years ago, and new rumors claim that it might be out in 2025.ย
This leak comes from DanielRPK, who said, “I hear the 4th game will release next year” on his Patreon. That’s not much to go on, but it does give us a potential timetable for Kingdom Hearts 4‘s release. If Square Enix is planning to launch KH4 next year, we’ll likely start to hear more about it later this year. Most likely, the hype will kick back up in the fall, though Square might elect to drop something this summer if it hosts or joins one of the many events.