Warhammer: Age of Sigmar Drops a Big Chaos Dwarves Tease in New Core Rulebook

Chaos Dwarves could be coming to Warhammer: Age of Sigmar.

Warhammer: Age of Sigmar may be gearing up to bring back another classic Warhammer Fantasy faction in the new Warhammer: Age of Sigmar edition. In a few weeks, Games Workshop will launch a new edition of Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, its new fantasy-themed miniatures warfare game. The new edition kicks off with a brand new Core Rulebook that can be found in the new Skaventide starter set, which contains a summary of the lore and setting for Warhammer: Age of Sigmar along with the actual rules to the game. One major surprise found in the new Core Rulebook is a not so subtle tease that Chaos Dwarves could be the next army added to the game. 

Found in the Aqshy section of the book, the Core Rulebook contains a not-so-subtle tease that Chaos Dwarves are set to make an appearance in the new edition. The core rulebook contains a letter from a ranger named Jazra who is exploring the ruins of the Adamantine Chain, a mountain range that became the boundary between the Great Parch and the Gnaw, a massive area of the land transformed by the invading Skaven. In the letter, Jazra mentions that there is more than just Skaven lurking in the mountains, with the land smashed flat and hammering coming from wihin the mountain. Additionally, Jazra describes oil slicks that melt flesh and smoke that coils in the sky like screaming faces. Perhaps, most notably, the letter is accompanied by a picture of a helmet with bull-like horns and a dwarven face. 

As their name suggests, Chaos Dwarves are dwarves that follow Chaos, specifically the Chaos God of Fire Hashut. The Chaos Dwarves are often known for having helmets with bull horns, a symbol of the gods they worship. For longtime fans, the letter is a pretty massive tease of what's to come in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar. 

Fans have wondered whether Chaos Dwarves, a classic stable from Warhammer Fantasy that currently do not appear in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, would ever appear in the new fantasy game. Rumors have abounded since last year that Chaos Dwarves would be introduced in Warhammer: Age of Sigmar, but this tease is the surest sign yet that something is coming soon.