Eli Roth's Thanksgiving Adds New Cast Members

This week, it was revealed that TikTok star Addison Rae would be joining the cast of Eli Roth's Thanksgiving alongside Patrick Dempsey. In 2007, Quentin Tarantino and Robert Rodriguez teamed up to create the moviegoing experience, Grindhouse, which included a double feature of Planet Terror and Death Proof. The event also featured fake trailers for movies by Rodriguez as well as Rob Zombie, Edgar Wright, and Roth. In 2010, Rodriquez turned his trailer for Machete into an actual feature film, and Roth is finally doing the same with his Thanksgiving trailer. Today, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Jalen Thomas Brooks and Nell Verlaque are joining the horror film.

Brooks is best known for his role on CW's Walker while Verlaque was a series regular on Disney+'s recently-canceled series, Big Shot. Currently, their roles are unknown, but the original Thanksgiving trailer followed a Massachusetts town known for going all out every Turkey Day that becomes the target of a killer dressed as a pilgrim. There's an unforgettable moment featuring a cheerleader in the trailer, and based on the new cast member's ages, it looks like the movie is going to take the typical slasher route and focus on a group of teens. 

Jeff Rendell, who scripted the original fake trailer and played its killer pilgrim, has penned the script for the movie which is expected to begin production in March. Spyglass, the production company behind the recent revivals of Hellraiser and Scream, will bring the film to life with Roth and Roger Birnbaum set to produce.

Will Robert Rodrgieuz Make Another Machete Movie?

After turning the Machete trailer into a feature, Rodriguez went on to make the sequel Machete Kills in 2013. Both movies starred Danny Trejo, and the sequel teased a third movie titled Machete Kills in Space. For the last decade, fans have been eager to find out if the threequel is actually happening. In 2019, Trejo said he'd be willing to write and direct the movie himself and he repeated those sentiments during an interview with Discussing Film. Unfortunately, it doesn't sound like the movie is a priority for Rodriguez. 

"MacheteMachete Kills, if Robert would ever get off his ass, he'd write Machete Kills in Space! I might write it," Trejo shared with a laugh. "You know I haven't spoken to Robert in a while. He's been really busy and I've been busy. Maybe I'll call him, see what's up. But I haven't talked to Robert for a while. He kind of dumped me I think… I got too big [laughs]. He's great. But he's busy, he's got six kids. That will keep you busy. His kids are wonderful too."

What are your thoughts about Thanksgiving becoming a feature? Tell us in the comments!