Planters is Hiring Their Next Class of Peanutters for the Nutmobile

Sure, Oscar Mayer recently announced that they are hiring people to drive their fleet of Wienermobiles, but why drive a giant hot dog when you could really live the dream and drive the NUTmobile? That’s right, Planters Peanuts has announced that they are now hiring their next class of Peanutters. This week, Planters revealed that they are starting their search for three Peanutters who will be responsible for chauffeuring Mr. Peanut cost-to-coast in the iconic NUTmobile, the 26-foot-long peanut on wheels as they “shellebrate” the communities they visit along the way.

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“Since bringing the Planters brand into the Hormel Foods family in 2021, we’ve been looking forward to carrying on the tradition of hiring Peanutters to represent the Planters brand across the country,” said Yemi Gilland, associate brand manager for the Planters brand. “This is our second class of Peanutters, and we are excited to keep the NUTmobile rolling along throughout the United States as we visit our fans in their hometowns.”

If you are interested in applying to be a Peanutter, here’s what you need to know. Applicants need to be a recent college graduate with a bachelor’s degree, preferably in communications, marketing, advertising, public relations, or a related field. The applicant must also have a desire to travel, an appetite for adventure, and proficiency in nut puns — we’re told that is a major quality. Applicants need to submit a resume, cover letter, and short video describing why they would be the perfect Peanutter by Tuesday, February 14th. You can go to this website here for more details or to apply.

As for what perks of the job includes? Here are the nuts and bolts.

The Peanutter position is a full-time, paid, one-year job opportunity from June 2023 through June 2024. The nuts and bolts of the job include:

•   Representing the Planters brand in media interviews and appearances with local radio, television, and digital publications.

•   Delighting fans across the country at local community events.

•   Engaging in consumer interactions and ensuring all attendees and onlookers have a nutty time and a positive brand experience with the NUTmobile vehicle and Mr. Peanut.

•   Joining in volunteer projects to work alongside and recognize people who give back to their communities in a big way.

What do you think? Would you want to be Mr. Peanut’s chauffeur and work as a Peanutter for a year? What are your thoughts about the NUTmobile? Let us know in the comments!