JJ Abrams Says He'll Keep Begging to Work With John Boyega After Protest Speech

Yesterday, Star Wars actor John Boyega was a huge trending topic on social media after he spoke at [...]

Yesterday, Star Wars actor John Boyega was a huge trending topic on social media after he spoke at a Black Lives Matter protest in London. The actor known for playing Finn was seen emotionally calling out for the better treatment of Black people around the world, which should be no surprise for those who follow Boyega on social media. Many have rallied in support of the actor, especially after he said in the speech, "Look I don't know if I'm going to have a career after this but, f**k that." The actor has since gotten online support from Star Wars legend Mark Hamill, Star Wars: The Last Jedi director Rian Johnson, and the official Star Wars account. Recently, another big name in Star Wars has taken to Twitter to share support for Boyega; Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker director JJ Abrams.

"You KNOW that as long as I'm allowed to keep working, I'll always be begging to work with you. Deep respect and love, my friend," Abrams wrote. You can check out the tweet below:

"Black lives have always mattered. We have always been important," Boyega said in one video. "We have always meant something. We have always succeeded regardless. And now is the time. I ain't waiting." He is also seen in other videos encouraging Black men to take care of Black women, promising, "They are ours!" and encouraging a revitalized sense of responsibility.

"Thank you for coming out today. Thank you for being here to show your support to us," Boyega said in another speech outside of London's parliament building. "Black people, I love you. I appreciate you. Today is an important day. We are fighting for our rights. We are fighting for our ability to live in freedom. We are fighting for our ability to achieve. We are fighting for our life to be of quality. Today, you are a physical representation of that."

In addition to the directors and companies that have shared supportive words for Boyega, many fans also took to Twitter yesterday to praise the actor. In fact, it caused his movie Attack the Block to trend.

One of Boyega's next projects will be the Netflix thriller, Rebel Ridge.