The Marvel Cinematic Universe is continuing to evolve in some fascinating ways, with the ever-growing superhero franchise frequently getting new film and television additions. Along the way, those new installments have been answering some previously-held questions — and the first episode of the Ms. Marvel Disney+ series was no exception. Spoilers for the first episode of Ms. Marvel, “Generation Why”, below! Only look if you want to know! The episode opened with Kamala Khan / Ms. Marvel (Iman Vellani) creating a fan video about Carol Danvers / Captain Marvel (Brie Larson) and her role in the battle of Avengers: Endgame. Along the way, we found out exactly how the general public knows about what happened in that battle — and apparently, it’s because Scott Lang / Ant-Man (Paul Rudd) spoke about it on a podcast titled This Powered Life.
The reveal is a lighthearted but surprisingly significant bit of worldbuilding, and also has made a lot of people want the actual Scott Lang episode of the podcast to be released, similarly to the way that the Hawkeye Disney+ series gave fans a better look at Rogers: The Musical. In the time since Ms. Marvel‘s debut, a lot of people have taken to Twitter to share their reaction to that detail — and here are just a few of those responses.