Netflix Developing Gray Man Prequel Starring Chris Evans, Written by Deadpool Scribes
The Gray Man is getting a sequel written by the same team that wrote Deadpool. Chris Evans' Lloyd Hansen is getting a backstory prequel and there's a more traditional sequel centering Ryan Gosling's Court Gentry is on the way too. Empire Magazine reports that plans are still in the early stages (via @evanscontent). But, Lloyd Hansen will be getting a prequel. That Deadpool duo will be back in the saddle as Rhett Reese and Paul Wenick help weave the tale. But, Marcus McFeely's more straightforward Gray Man sequel will also draw a lot of interest among fans. Netflix has fans in a lather over seeing the action stars on-screen together again. Excitement is especially bubbling up on social media where people just kind of miss the Captain America actor. At any rate, there will be no shortage of Evans moving forward here.
Deadline spoke to the Russo Brothers about their intentions for this movie. It's more than just a Marvel reunion. (Although they've had a penchant for linking up with old fans on these Netflix projects!) They're throwing it back to Captain America: The Winter Soldier but with a more serious edge.
"The movie is a real mano a mano between those two great actors, who represent two different versions of the CIA, in what it can be, and what it can do," Anthony Russo explained when Netflix announced the project. "For those who were fans of Captain America: Winter Soldier, this is us moving into that territory in more of a real world setting. That's what this movie really means for us."
"The intention is for it to be competitive with any theatrical and the ability to do with with Gosling and Evans is a dream for us," mused Joe Russo. "The idea is to create a franchise and build out a whole universe, with Ryan at the center of it. We have all committed to the first movie and that's got to be great to get us to the second movie. These are master assassins and Gosling's characters gets burned by the CIA and Evans' character has to hunt him down. We have a great working relationship with Netflix, and we go back almost 20 years with Scott Stuber. We formed AGBO to be an agnostic storytelling company, where we figure out the best platform. We think Netflix is the perfect place for this film."
The Gray Man will hit Netflix on July 22nd.
Are you excited to see a different side of Chris Evans? Let us know down in the comments!