Power Rangers: This Is What A Titanus Ranger Would Look Like

Titanus was a powerful ally to the Power Rangers, but what if he had his own Ranger?It seems [...]

Titanus was a powerful ally to the Power Rangers, but what if he had his own Ranger?

It seems MightyMorphinPowerRangerBoy had the same thought and took it upon himself to create one. Unlike the Dinozords or the Dragonzord, Titanus never had a Ranger representing him on the team, but this new grey Ranger fits the bill perfectly.

The Ranger features a similar grey and white color scheme with gold cuffs and a gold shield. It's a stellar design, and kind of makes you wish the Ranger had appeared on the show. It wouldn't have made sense there though, as Titanus didn't have a cockpit for a Ranger to pilot from in the tv series. It was given a cockpit though in the comics.

You can view Titanus Ranger in the image above.

Titanus was the Carrierzord for several versions of the Mighty Morphin Zords, including the Dinozords, Ninjazords, and Shogunzords. As a Carrierzord it could combine with the Mega Dragonzord to form the Dino Ultrazord, though it could also combine with the Ninja Megafalconzord to form the Ninja Ultrazord. It could also combine with the Shogun Megafalconzord to form the Shogun Ultrazord.

While he was mostly used for combining with other Zords, Titanus could also fight by his lonesome. He had the ability to breathe fire blasts and had two shoulder cannons as well.

He was temporarily replaced by Tor the Shuttlezord at one point, but would eventually return. After all the Zords were replaced by the Zeozords, it isn't specifically mentioned what happened to Titanus, so he could always make a return.

While he isn't likely to show up in the television show, it would be great to see him resurface in the BOOM! Studios comics in 2018. With Shattered Grid making its way forward, it would be the perfect reason for the Zord to make a comeback.