Star Wars

Star Wars: Mark Hamill Weighs In on the AT-AT Debate


There are some fandom debates that last decades and a classic Star Wars question has been resurfacing on Twitter this week. The official account for the franchise took to Twitter with a hilarious poll asking “How do you pronounce AT-AT?” However, the options were just “AT-AT” and “AT-AT” so it didn’t actually give fans any answers. Of course, some people pronounce the All Terrain Armored Transport as “at-at” (or “@-@”) while others say it like “A-T-A-T.” Someone tagged legendary Star Wars actor Mark Hamill in the post and asked him his opinion, and the Luke Skywalker actor did not disappoint.

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“This is a job for @MarkHamill,” @taradublinrocks tweeted. “I think it’s ‘@-@’, even though I always called them ‘walkers,’” Hamill replied. You can check out the post below. We also recommend reading the comments in the original Star Wars post, because the official account has lots of great jokes.ย 

Midnight Mass star and avid Star Wars fan, Rahul Kohli, also took to Twitter to weigh in on the debate, which is especially fun because he just wrapped productionย on Mike Flanagan’s The Fall of the House of Usher, which also features Hamill. While Kohli is not currently involved in any Star Wars projects, the actor has been fan-cast by many to play the live-action version of Star Wars Rebels’ย Ezra Bridger. “I pronounce it ’80-80′ not ‘@-@’ and my biggest reason? The AT-ST. You ain’t saying ‘@-sssssst’ are you?” Kohli explained. You can view his tweet below:^tfw

At Star Wars Celebration back in 2016, Star Wars producer and showrunner Dave Filoni gave his own answer to the question. “You can say ‘at-at,’ you can say ‘A-T-A-T,’ and you can say ‘walker.’ I’m for all three … That’s canon because in the show I have imperials say walkers, I have them say at-at, and I have them say A-T-A-T.”ย 

As for Hamill, the actor often takes to Twitter to share fun facts and tell stories about his days playing Luke. Recently, he sharedย some hilarious old autographsย that he never intended for the public to see. He also recently posted a very fun behind-the-scenes video of him with Carrie Fisher (Princess Leia) and Harrison Ford (Han Solo) as they gave director George Lucasย a hard time on the setย of the original film.ย 

How do you pronounce AT-AT? Tell us in the comments!ย