Last week, The CW’s Charmed reboot ended its four-season run with a major nod to the original series. In a move that surprised viewers, the new Charmed closed out its run by seeing its powerful trio of witches — Mel (Melonie Diaz), Maggie (Sarah Jeffery), and Michaela (Lucy Barrett) — go through a portal that takes them to Halliwell Manor, the home of the original series’ Charmed Ones. The move established a sort of Charmed multiverse and showrunners indicated that, had the series moved forward for another season, they would have explored things further but not everyone was happy with the ending. The series finale has reignited the long-running feud between the OG Charmed and the reboot.
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Following the reboot series finale “The End is Never the End”, original series writer Curtis Kheel took to social media to slam the reboot, calling the new Charmed Ones “imposters” and having some very specific ideas about how the original trio would have dealt with things.
“As an original #Charmed writer, I can tell u what happened next: Piper, Phoebe & Paige vanquished the 3 imposters right after they invaded Halliwell Manor,” Kheel wrote. “Then [Holly Marie Combs] blew up the portal to that other universe & quipped: ‘We wish them well.’ #seriesfinale #CharmedReunionMovie.”
While Kheel’s comments are the latest in the feud, they certainly aren’t the first. Pretty much since the Charmed reboot was announced there has been backlash from those involved with the original. Rose McGowan, who played Paige Matthews in the original series called the reboot “a money grab to cash in on the Charmed name” previously and even Holly Marie Combs who played Piper Halliwell had her criticisms — though she later called for an end to the feud and explained that the real issues were “at the corporate level” before advising the reboot’s stars to “stick together” in their negotiations.
Kheel’s comments also garnered a direct response from the reboot series’ writers.
“Unlike with the OG version of the franchise, we had a strict ‘no assholes’ hiring policy in the writer’s room,” their tweet read. “We feel mostly sorry for these people, because unlike them we actually like each other and had the BEST time. Onward…”
They also followed up, going on the record that they love both versions of Charmed and wanted to “create a cohesive universe.”
Unfortunately, while the Charmed reboot is over, it doesn’t seem like the feud is going to stop anytime soon. Many fans were displeased with the nod to the original series during the finale and as for Kheel, he has continued to post about his issues with the show.
“Freshly inked into the #BookofShadows,” Kheel wrote on Monday. “Recently used spell: ‘To Vanquish Imposter Witches: Copycats are not the same. You have tarnished our good name. Claimed you’re Charmed, but you were not. Gone for good, and now forgot.’ #Charmed #CharmedForever.”
What do you think about the continuation of the Charmed feud? Let us know your thoughts in the comment section.