One Sony executive is teasing some spinoff potential for Cobra Kai after the incoming departure from Netflix. Deadline spoke to Sony Pictures TV Studios president Katherine Pope about the beloved series. When it comes to shows that have managed to adapt to challenging environments in the streaming era, there might not be a better example than Cobra Kai. What started as a YouTube Original has called multiple streamers home and retained the fanbase every step of the way. Now, with Season 6 about to close the door on the current chapter, all eyes are on the future. Sony thinks the show could still strike hard with the right spinoff. (How interesting considering Cobra Kai is a bit of a spinoff itself in some ways.) Check out what she had to say down below!
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“They have some ideas in terms of expanding Cobra Kai and coming at the Karate Kid legacy in different ways. But yes, the movie is a good example too. It’s all of these,” Pope explained. “I think we’ve all learned these worlds can exist together and they can feel cohesive and they can feel additive, especially for the fans, and feel like big, big worlds that exist on lots of different levels, they don’t necessarily all exist in the same plane. Audiences are so savvy now and accepting multiple levels of the IP so the Cobra Kai universe lives on, that’s for sure.”
Saying Goodbye To Cobra Kai on Netflix
On social media, the creators penned a letter to the fans, “Our day one goal with Cobra Kai has always been to end it on our terms, leaving the Valley in the time and place we’ve always imagined. So it is with immense pride and thankfulness that we are able to announce that achievement. The upcoming Season Six will mark the conclusion of Cobra Kai.”
“While this may be a bittersweet day for the fandom, the Miyagiverse has never been stronger. This fandom is the BEST on the planet and we hope to be telling more Karate Kid stories with you down the line. Because as we all know, Cobra Kai Never Dies. In the meantime, strap in for the BIGGEST SEASON OF COBRA KAI YET. And let today be a celebration of all that’s come, as well as all that’s still left to be told. We couldn’t do it without you. We made it. Strike First. Strike Hard. No Mercy.”
Would you like to see Cobra Kai have another spinoff? Let us know down in the comments!