Doctor Who Set Photos Reveal Return of the Weeping Angels

New set photos suggest the dreaded Weeping Angels will return in the thirteenth season of Doctor [...]

New set photos suggest the dreaded Weeping Angels will return in the thirteenth season of Doctor Who. Filming on the new season began recently following a delay due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Photos taking from a filming location in Penarth reveal a familiar-looking angelic statue, suggesting the Weeping Angels are back to threaten the Thirteenth Doctor, played by Jodie Whittaker. The Weeping Angels debuted in the David Tennant and Carey Mulligan-fronted episode "Blink" in season three of the series. Aside from a brief appearance in the Peter Capaldi-fronted episode "Hell Bent," the Weeping Angels haven't been seen since the season seven episode "The Angels Take Manhattan," when they caught up with Amy Pond and Rory Williams, ending the characters' runs as companions to Matt Smith's Doctor.

The Weeping Angels are creatures that feed on other beings' time energy, gaining sustenance as they consume another's future. The act sends their victims back in time, which is the fate that befell Amy and Rory in their final outing. The Weeping Angels also cannot move if they are being observed by another person. Because of this, they often cover their eyes to avoid looking at each other, earning them their "weeping" moniker.

Because of COVID-19-related complications, the BBC reduced the episode order for Doctor Who's thireenth season. "In this strangest of years, the Doctor Who production team have worked wonders to get the show back into production," showrunner Chris Chibnall said in a statement when the BBC announced the news at the start of filming. "We're thrilled to be back making the show. Given the complexity of making Doctor Who, and with new and rigorous COVID working protocols, it's going to take us a little longer to film each episode, meaning we expect to end up with eight episodes, rather than the usual 11. But rest assured, the ambition, humor, fun and scares you expect from Doctor Who will all still be firmly in place. For everyone around the world, this is a challenging period – but the Doctor never shirks from a challenge!"

Before season thirteen debuts, Doctor Who will return for a holiday special, "Revolution of the Daleks," on New Year's Day. The episode will bring back John Barrowman as beloved companion Captain Jack Harkness. It will also be the final episode for two current Doctor Who companions. If you're looking to catch up or revisit the series, be sure to check out our Doctor Who streaming guide.