Baby-Sitters Club Creator Addresses Possible Wrap Up Movie After Netflix Cancellation

The Baby-Sitters Club creator addressed a possible movie to wrap up the story after the show was cancelled by Netflix. Fans of the show were shocked to learn that the streamer wouldn't be green lighting another episodes. Creator Rachel Shukert talked to Variety about a couple of way to get that closure for the series. It's a strange moment where Baby-Sitters Club was critically-acclaimed and beloved by a vocal set of fans. But, Netflix saw things differently. Also hovering over this entire discussion is the question of their algorithm and how it plays into the perception of these shows hosted on the platform. Shukert isn't in control of any of that. But, she does hope that they can come to a resolution relatively quickly. In fact, there's a very realistic reason why she and the fans are hoping something gets done fast.

"I mean, I would love that. I think it will be complicated. The girls are getting older quickly, and we never expected this to go more than probably three seasons because we knew the girls were going to age out of those characters," she began. "Scholastic and Ann [M. Martin, creator of the Baby-Sitters Club books] have always been very clear that they don't want the characters to age. They're trapped in amber — she wrote the books for 16 years, and they never got older."

"There's been talk of trying to do a movie, but we didn't make the show with Netflix. We made the show with an outside studio, Walden Media, who is so wonderful," Shukert added. "Even if another streamer wanted to do it, I don't know that they could have the first two seasons on their platform. It might be difficult. Even if that could be resolved — and potentially it could — the question is can you get everybody's new contracts done, all of these new scripts and deals …"

Elsewhere in the interview, she talked about her plans for a possible third season. Fans of the show are probably going to be sad to hear it sounded intriguing.

"I really wanted to do a Super Special. I was trying to figure out, Should they go to New York? Should they get snowed in? It depended on where they would let us shoot, and I was excited about telling a story that would see them into high school — not wrap everything up but honor what we made. Season two ends on a pretty good note. It's emotionally satisfying. But we had more stories to tell, and I miss the girls. I loved working with them. They're extraordinary actresses and people."

Would you like to see Baby-Sitters Club get a movie? Let us know down in the comments!