All Elite Wrestling gave its flagship series an overhaul on Wednesday night. Following Sting’s final match at this past Sunday, the company brought a new style and sound to Dynamite. AEW had been teasing some big changes for Dynamite, including a colorful new logo and the return of entrance tunnels, but the changes extended to the show’s intro as well. At the start of the episode, Dynamite revealed a brand new intro to the show, as well as a new theme song.
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The new intro features a lot of colors and puts the spotlight on several of the company’s biggest superstars. Wrestlers like Julia Hart, Swerve Strickland, Eddie Kingston, and Samoa Joe have all been given some great screen time in the intro, which also delivers a sound that fans may not be expecting. You can check out the new Dynamite intro below!
Swerve Takes Center Stage
Not only does Swerve Strickland appear quite a bit in the new intro, but he’s clearly become one of the top names in the entire company. He didn’t win the AEW World Championship on Sunday, due to Hangman Page tapping out to current champ Samoa Joe in their three-way match, but Strickland still seems to be on pace to win the title in the near future.
As he’s pursued the title, Swerve has been undergoing something of a face turn, which may surprise some given that he beat up a teenager and broke into a baby’s nursery just last year. But the people love Swerve and he’s leaning into it.
During a recent interview with, Strickland talked about his evolution as he fights to become AEW World Champion.
“Right now I feel like I’m just being in a shade of gray,” Swerve told us. “Especially because the whole point of the whole villain was to, like I stated before, get into the opportunities that I would’ve gotten if I was in Hangman Page’s spot years ago. I’m there now. I’m getting my title opportunity and I’m slowly, slowly pushing Hangman Page out of the way to get those things.”
What did you think of Wednesday’s new edition of AEW Dynamite? Let us know in the comments!