Roman Reigns Retains WWE Title, Brock Lesnar Makes Surprise Return to SmackDown

After a bit of a wait, WWE Undisputed Champion Roman Reigns was set to defend his Universal Championship on tonight's SmackDown against Riddle, and it was as thrilling a match-up as you would expect. Reigns hadn't defended the WWE Championship or Universal Championship since becoming Undisputed WWE Champion at WrestleMania 38, but tonight he put the Title on the line and Riddle wasn't about to let that opportunity slip by him. The two superstars had an incredibly physical match with several near falls, but Reigns would once again emerge as the victor. Unfortunately, he didn't expect for some familiar music to hit, as Brock Lesnar made his surprise return and cleared the ring of the Bloodline.

Riddle went right at Reigns, but Reigns knocked delivered a huge punch and knocked him to the mat. Riddle wasn't about to slow down though, and he knocked Reigns to the floor and then jumped over the top rope and collided with Reigns, knocking him into the announce table. Back in the ring Reigns pummeled Riddle with punches and then went to celebrate. Riddle was back on his feet and they traded punches in the middle of the ring, and Reigns knocked him back and went for a move but Riddle caught him with a kick to the head.

Riddle got back on his feet and charged at Reigns, hitting him with forearms and then he hit a suplex. Riddle went for a Senton but Reigns got his knees up, plating them in his back. Riddle was up on the top rope and connected with the Floating Bro, but Reigns kicked out of the ensuing cover.

Reigns then picked up Riddle and hit the Urinage and went for the cover, but Riddle kicked out. Riddle was trying to get up outside of the ring and Reigns followed him out, picked him up, and slammed him on top of the announce table. Reigns taunted Randy Orton a bit in the camera as things went to commercial.

Riddle came back with a vengeance though, hitting an Orton slam and then a Draping DDT, but Reigns got away only to get slammed onto the announce table. Reigns then slammed Riddle's face into the post and then rolled him into the ring. Riddle hit the DDT to honor his partner and then prepped for the finisher, but Reigns blocked the RKO.

Reigns then hit the Superman Punch and covered Riddle but Riddle got his shoulder up at the very last minute. Reigns charged up for the spear but Riddle caught him and hit the RKO, going for the cover but Reigns got his shoulder up at the very last second. Riddle then went up top and hit the Floating Bro, but Reigns blocked his RKO and then speared him in mid-air coming off the top rope, and that was enough for the pin and the win. Reigns is still your Undisputed WWE Champion.

Reigns then said there was no one left, saying he was going to wreck everyone and then leave. After celebrating a bit Brock Lesnar's music hit, and the man himself was back in WWE. Lesnar looked pretty happy as he came to the ring, and then he came face to face with Reigns. After a stare-down, Lesnar offered his hand to Reigns, and with some hesitation Reigns accepted, but then Lesnar lifted him up and hit an F5. Then The Usos came in to help Reigns but Lesnar knocked them down and hit each one with an F5 as well. It would appear he's back to reclaim the WWE Championship, and now Reigns has another challenger.

What did you think of the match? Let us know in the comments or as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Twitter @MattAguilarCB!