The WWE NXT Tag Team Division Delivers a Beatdown to The Good Brothers

What seems like the entire WWE NXT Tag Team Divison delivers a beatdown to SmackDown’s The Good Brothers after their big win

The Good Brothers made a surprise appearance during last week’s WWE NXT, immediately causing ripples in the Tag Team Division. The SmackDown Superstars were clearly gunning for the NXT Tag Team Champions Bron Breakker and Baron Corbin, but the problem was that the Champs already had number one contenders in Chase U. Tonight The Good Brothers took on another promising team in Malik Blade and Edris Enofe, and while they would ultimately walk away with the victory, the entirety of the NXT Tag Division had a problem with the SmackDown superstars and came out swinging by episode’s end.

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Anderson and Blade started the match and Anderson was already in rhythm, stomping on Blade in the corner and keeping the young star off his feet. Blade came back with a dropkick and then tagged in Enofe, and the two delivered some team offense on Anderson and a charging Gallows. They held the Good Brothers off, but Anderson was able to get to his feet, only to be knocked into the opposite corner by Enofe.


Blade and Enofe hit Anderson again with some team offense and then Blade capped that run off with a big senton. Gallows tried to get involved, and he managed to provide Anderson just enough of a moment to knock back Blade and tag Gallows in. Gallows slammed Blade onto the ropes and then delivered a big kick to the head, and he locked Blade down with a hold.

Blade was able to get to his feet but got a headbutt and some punches to the stomach and face in response. Gallows kicked Blade in the head again and tagged in Anderson, who applied another hold. Blade flipped over Anderson and rolled him up, and while the cover wasn’t successful, he was able to tag in his partner. Enofe went on a run, kicking Gallows away and hitting a Jackhammer on Anderson.

Gallows slammed Blade into the steel steps, but Enofe went up top and tried to hit Anderson but missed. Anderson hit a spine buster on Enofe and then Gallows tagged in to hit the Magic Killer and got it. Gallows got the pin and the win, but they were soon confronted by Chase U.

Andre Chase told them that karma is a b****. Then Duke Hudson said this called for an Andre Chase a** whooping, but before they could finish Nathan Frazer and Axiom came out. Frazer then congratulated them on becoming No. 1 Contenders, but before they could get in the ring the LWO showed up and attacked The Good Brothers.

That all led to a chaotic brawl in the ring between everyone, though most of them focused on beating down the Good Brothers. Gallows and Anderson got to their feet once outside the ring, and the entire tag division wanted a piece of them. Then the Tag Team Champions Baron Corbin and Bron Breakker showed up and watched it all play out, holding their newly won Titles.

What did you think of the segment, and who do you want to see take down Corbin and Breakker? Let us know in the comments and as always you can talk all things wrestling with me on Threads @mattaguilarcb!