Latest Update on WWE Returning to Saudi Arabia

WWE hasn’t been able to hold one of its biannual events in Saudi Arabia since February 2020 due to […]

WWE hasn’t been able to hold one of its biannual events in Saudi Arabia since February 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The last one to take place was the infamous Super ShowDown event in Riyadh, which saw Goldberg defeat The Fiend in just three minutes to become the new WWE Universal Champion. WWE’s ability to tour was shut down weeks later. The last update on the matter came during an investor’s conference call last July when Vince McMahon said the company was expecting to continue its business deal with the country in the future.

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Wrestling insider @WrestleVotes popped up on Wednesday with an update, stating WWE is hoping to have one event in the country by the end of the year. WWE still hasn’t resumed its touring schedule, though the company has repeatedly circled the back half of 2021 as the time when that will change. There are already reports of SummerSlam having live fans just like WrestleMania 37 this August.

Regarding the main event of the last Saudi show, Goldberg finally addressed the fan backlash in an interview with FOX Sports‘ Ryan Satin back in January.

“You know, again, at the end of the day, Ryan, I do a job, right? I’m asked to go out and perform, and I don’t pass judgment on it,” Goldberg said. “I don’t worry about a finish. I don’t worry about who’s winning. I don’t worry about who’s losing. At the end of the day, I’m there to provide a service, and I do it with a smile on my face either way. And I’m not a booker. I don’t make the decisions. I really don’t. I just come in and provide “that guy,” and the only thing I can do in a situation like that is be the best package that they remember.”

“Yeah, there’s no question I always have a feeling,” he said when asked if he had any hesitation regarding the booking. “I’m a psychology major, man. I have an opinion about everything, and it’s when to vocalize it and when not to. It’s when to elocute your feelings and when not to. It’s when are you out of place, when is it not your job to voice an opinion? I’m a soldier. I’m not the general.”