The Undertaker was the latest guest on Kevin Hart’s Cold As Balls YouTube series on Tuesday, in which “The Phenom” sat down with the famous actor for an interview while the pair each endured ice baths. Undertaker (real name Mark Calaway) discussed his decision to retire, how his nine-year-old daughter loved the build to his WrestleMania 34 match with John Cena but hated that he beat the 16-time world champion and named his Mount Rushmore of professional wrestling โ Andre The Giant, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin, The Rock and Shawn Michaels. He also dipped into character a few times with the room’s lighting and his iconic urn. Check out the full interview below!
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Calaway has given a number of recent interviews, consistently stating that his in-ring days are over due to the wear and tear he’s put on his body across a 30-year WWE career. He recently told the Dallas Morning News that he could theoretically have one more match, but his body won’t let him physically perform to the level fans expect.ย
“I think it’s always in my head and in my heart, especially getting ready for WrestleMania here at AT&T Stadium it’s just like … man. But it’s just at a point where physically, I can’t perform at a level,” Undertaker said. “I mean, I could go out and walk through something and I could get through a match. But I can’t give people what they expect at this point. When you see Undertaker, you pay money to see that guy wrestle. I can’t deliver physically on what people’s expectations are. … The passion is obviously still there. I think that will always be there. It’s just the physical side of it. … My time has come, my time has gone. This is the WWE and things happen, you never know. But I know that my time has passed and it’s time for these young guys to step up and take over and lead us to where we’re going.”
WrestleMania 38 will be in Calaway’s home state of Texas next April, taking place on April 2-3 at AT&T Stadium in Arlington (Dallas). WWE recently announced the show would be held across two nights, which Calaway supports.ย
“I like going to two nights now, because WrestleMania was a long night,” he said. “You’re there 6-7 hours, and it’s hard to keep and sustain that energy level as a fan. You get taken on all these emotional rides all through the course of night to the point where you’re just worn out. So, I love the fact that they are going to two nights. I think it will keep the energy levels high, the excitement high, and I’m really excited about it. To not be actually in a match, I’m really excited for this year’s Mania. Everybody’s kind of coming back out again after COVID and everything else. I think it’s going to be huge, I really do.”