Dragon Ball Fan Perfectly Sums Up How Long the Quarantine Feels

Due to the continued spread of the novel coronavirus, the world is taking extra measures to help [...]

Due to the continued spread of the novel coronavirus, the world is taking extra measures to help combat the COVID-19 disease and curb how many are infected by enacting social distancing practices. Within in the last few weeks, this has gotten a little more extreme as people around the world have been staying at home as much as possible. But the silver lining of it all is that it's given fans a lot more time to watch anime, and one of the big favorites that has been revisited over the weeks has been Dragon Ball Z.

No matter how much Dragon Ball there is to experience (and there's quite a lot when factoring in Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT, Dragon Ball Super, and the various movies), there is still an unfortunate reminder that this quarantine might last longer than initially hoped.

Dragon Ball fan @DeionHD went viral for perfectly summing this up in an instantly recognizable way by reminding fans of the fight between Goku and Freeza on Planet Namek. Anyone who remembers the infamous "five minutes" is now hoping that we're not running on the Dragon Ball franchise's version of time.

While this uncertain time has resulted in some anxiety among many fans, the Dragon Ball franchise has been a source of joy for many as they take their love of the anime online and discuss some of its most prominent moments. This has led to a number of debates and trending topics as they breakdown everything from favorite forms and more, so now there's plenty of time to break down the Goku and Freeza fight.

Watching along with friends week to week made the fight between the two feel like five minutes was actually five years, and that's why the series was re-edited and trimmed with Dragon Ball Z Kai. But the hilarious damage had already been long done, and now "five minutes" holds much more weight than you would expect!

What anime have you been checking out during your quarantine? Have you gone back and watched any of the Dragon Ball anime at all? What are your thoughts on Goku and Freeza's fight on Planet Namek? What's your favorite fight in the series overall? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or talk to me directly about all things anime and other cool things @Valdezology on Twitter!