JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure isn’t the only anime adaptation known for some truly strange moments. The story which follows the would-be strongest fighter in the world, Baki Hanma, has announced that the second season of its latest series is arriving sooner than you might expect. Keeping up with tradition, the upcoming installments will see the son of Yujiro Hanma and his comrades fighting against a prehistoric threat. We promise you, fans are not ready for the arrival of Pickle the Caveman.
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Baki The Grappler, the original title for the series, focuses on the son of the strongest man in the world. Rather than hoping to stop his father, Yujiro Hanma, for the benefit of mankind, Baki is seeking to become stronger than his “dear old Dad” to get revenge for the death of his mother while also overcoming his parent. Since the series first debuted in 1991, it has continued following Baki’s journey since in the pages of the manga. This upcoming season will feature two separate arcs, the first diving into Baki and his friends’ fight against the aforementioned Neanderthal known as Pickle, and the second half promising the long-awaited rematch between the anime’s star and his father.
Baki Hanma: A Summer Beatdown
The first half of the next season of Baki Hanma will arrive on Wednesday, July 26th, and will focus on “The Tale of Pickle & The Pickle War Saga”. The second half, “The Father Vs Son Saga”, will arrive on Thursday, August 24th. Between these two arcs, expect some of the wildest, most brutal battles of the series so far as Baki tackles both a caveman and his own father.
As it stands, a third season of Baki Hanma hasn’t been confirmed by Netflix. Baki hasn’t fought his father since the fateful night when Yujiro killed his mother, meaning that it has been years for the fighting protagonist since he tangled with his dad. With the accomplishments that Yujiro Hanma has shown off over the course of the series, Baki’s victory is far from assured though he certainly has come a long way since his teenage years that first kicked off the franchise.
Are you hyped for the return of Baki Hanma? Do you think Baki can now stand a chance against his father Yujiro? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Baki The Grappler.