Chainsaw Man’s second part focuses on an entirely new devil who is gunning to take down Denji, as the former protagonist works in the public eye and is beloved by the populace. While the War Devil, Asa Mitaka, might be the second chapter’s star, Part 2’s first chapter introduced a fan-favorite character in Bucky the Chicken Devil, and one fan has taken it upon themselves to reimagine the beloved class pet in various anime franchises including Spy x Family, Fullmetal Alchemist, and more.
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Bucky met quite the unfortunate end in the first chapter of Chainsaw Man’s second half, being presented as the class pet for the student body of which Asa was a part of. Mitaka believed she was responsible for the death of the Chicken Devil but discovered that it was due to one of her classmates, who made a contract with a devil of her own, setting the stage for Asa’s arrangement with the War Devil.
Do you think we’ll see the Chicken Devil return from the grave in the future chapters of Chainsaw Man? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Chainsaw Devil.