Delicious in Dungeon Cosplay Gets Fuzzy With Izutsumi

A fun Delicious in Dungeon cosplay has put a literal spin on Izutsumi!

Delicious in Dungeon has been cooking up a storm ever since the anime premiered earlier this year, and one quite literal cosplay is showing major love to the newest party member, Izutsumi! Delicious in Dungeon is quickly rounding out the end of its debut anime season, and it's been a huge hit since it premiered this January due to how differently the episodes have unfolded from what fans first saw. While starting out as a goofy seeming series where Laios and his party would eat the monsters they happened to defeat, it got serious fairly quickly as there are now higher stakes than ever. 

But while Delicious in Dungeon has certainly gotten more intense with the second half of the anime this Spring, it's also kept up the comedy with some new additions to the core cast. This includes Izutsumi, who was originally part of Shuro's traveling party before getting left behind and welcomed by Laios and the others (to the point where even the anime's opening was changed to welcome her to the anime in full). Now artist Low Cost Cosplay on Instagram has tapped into Izutsumi's kitten side with some very literal cosplay. Check it out below: 

How to Watch Delicious in Dungeon

If you wanted to catch up with Delicious in Dungeon as it nears the end of the first season, you can find it now streaming with Netflix. They tease the anime as such, "Delicious in Dungeon. That is, 'to eat', or 'to be eaten' ――― Within the depths of the dungeon, his younger sister was eaten by a Red Dragon – and adventurer Laios barely made it back to the surface with his life. He attempts the dungeon again, but money and food are deep within its bowels… Faced with the critical situation where his sister may be digested at any moment, Laios decides: 'Food shall be self-providing from within the dungeon!' Slimes, basilisks, mimics and even dragons! While eating those that attack you, aim to traverse the dungeons, adventurer!"

It's yet to be announced as of the time of this publication whether or not there are plans in place to continue Delicious in Dungeon with more episodes, but with the anime having a presence at Anime Expo 2024 next month, we could be lucky enough to get an update on that matter fairly soon. So it's the perfect time to jump in.