Anime on Disney+ has been gaining some serious steam as of late. With the upcoming streaming show, Dragons of Wonderhatch, incorporating both a live-action story with an anime portion, Disney+ has revealed new shots of the live-action actors’ anime counterparts, that will populate the series arriving later this year. The anime portion of this new series is set to be brought to life by Production I.G. who many anime fans might know for their work on series including Haikyuu, Psycho-Pass, and FLCL.
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As mentioned, anime on Disney+ has been growing, with Studio Ghibli even recently releasing a new short feature that saw the legendary animation studio creating a new Star Wars segment featuring everyone’s favorite “Baby Yoda” from The Mandalorian. While Disney movies and anime movies certainly share a number of similarities in terms of themes and sometimes animation styles, it’s clear that Disney Plus is continuing to find new avenues for anime in its streaming roster. Star Wars Visions, the first foray of the universe introducing the world to Jedi and Sith, is returning for a second season this year featuring brand new studios leaving their mark on the franchise.
Dragons of Wonderhatch Designs
Anime on Disney+ continues to expand and Dragons of Wonderhatch has dropped new details to prove it, releasing designs for Kenjiro Tsuda’s Gyro, Shunsuke Takeuchi’s Gafin, along with character designs for two of the main characters named Tyme and Akuta which you can see below:
Ironically enough, Disney’s upcoming anime/live-action hybrid will star Mackenyu, the actor that has two other live-action anime adaptations arriving this year via Netflix’s One Piece and Sony Pictures’ Knights of the Zodiac: The Beginning. For those wondering what anime will be available on Disney+ in the future, the streaming service struck a deal with Kodansha last year to create new series for the platform. Aside from this year’s Dragons of Wonderhatch, the streaming service is also working to release series including Murai in Love, Phoenix: Eden17, Bullet, and Synduality to name a few. Currently, you can catch several exclusive series on Disney+ or its partner Hulu such as Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War and Summertime Rendering.
What anime on Disney Plus are you hoping to see emerge in the future of the streaming service? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Disney.