
Dr. Stone Science Future Shares First Look at Part 1 Finale

Fans get first look at Dr. Stone’s season 4 part 1 finale.

Dr. Stone Senku portrait

As the first part of Dr. Stone Season 4, titled Dr. Stone Science Future, nears its end, the anime has shared the first look at what’s going to happen in the final episode at Anime Japan 2025. Dr. Stone Season 4 follows Senku and his friends’ journey to America, kicking off the war between the Kingdom of Science and the American colony led by Dr. Xeno. The season has been airing since January 2025 and is expected to be released in three separate cours throughout 2025. The first cour is currently nearing its end, with Episode 12 expected to be its last episode.

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With Riichiro Inagaki and Boichi’s original Dr. Stone manga having come to an end years ago, the anime has a clear path to its story’s finale. So far, the battles between the Senku and Dr. Xeno’s forces have been nothing but intense. To make matters worse, Senku was badly injured in the season’s ninth episode. But his leadership, even in such a state, earned him the love and loyalty of Luna, a former med student who previously followed Dr. Xeno. And thanks to her, Carlos, too, switched sides, giving the Science crew a map of Xeno’s base to tilt the fight in their favor.


How Will Dr. Stone Season Four End?

Dr. Stone Season 4 has been spending the last few episodes exploring the warfare between Senku’s Kingdom of Science and Dr. Xeno’s forces. Senku was badly injured and out of the fight for part of the season. Although episode ten saw a still healing Senku return to the field, joining Ryusui in an aerial dogfight to take down Stanley. But while the duo was seemingly successful, the Stanley they were fighting turned out to have been a decoy. 

Instead, the real Stanley captured the Science crew members still aboard the Perseus with the help of Xeno’s secret weapon, a submarine. Fortunately, Stanley wasn’t the only one with leverage over the others as the final scenes of Episode 11 saw Tsukasa and the battle team successfully tunnel under Xeno’s base to confront the now defenseless ex-NASA scientist. The finale will likely revolve around Tsukasa and his team’s capture of Xeno. Meanwhile, Senku will head towards Dr. Xeno himself to confront the man who was once his old science mentor.

How to Watch Dr. Stone Season 4 Episode 12

Dr. Stone’s Season 4, Episode 12 is titled “Reunion,” and as that title suggests it’s going to feature Senku reuniting with Dr. Xeno and the rest of the Science crew. With Xeno having become incredibly bitter over the years, it’s clear he’s no longer the same person who once went out of his way to help a young Senku build his first rocket. But, the potential for a peaceful outcome may still exist.

The episode will premiere on Thursday, March 27th, 2025 at 10:00 PM JST on TOKYO MX and other channels. And become available for streaming on Crunchyroll starting at 10:00 AM EST. At this point, there are less than 100 chapters of the manga to adapt, with the entire story expected to finish by the end of 2025.