Dragon Ball Super ended the Super Hero arc of the manga with the fight between Goku and Gohan, but it really trolled fans without giving a definitive winner before it was over! Dragon Ball Super’s manga has been working its way through an epilogue of the adaptation for the Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie, and it has offered some brand new material helping to flesh out everything that happened. Chiefly, this resulted in Gohan getting to show off more of the Gohan Beast form that he was able to unlock in the fight against Cell Max and test the form’s power.ย
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Goku was interested in seeing just how strong his son had become and thus challenged Gohan to a sparring match on Beerus’ planet where they would be allowed to go all out at the full extent of their respective abilities. With the fight kicking off between Ultra Instinct Goku and Gohan Beast Mode in the previous chapter, there was an excitement over who could win. But the chapter doesn’t really give fans a proper end to the fight as Goku just ends it abruptly as he was satisfied at seeing Gohan’s new power.ย

Dragon Ball Super Goku vs. Gohan Should Have Had a Winner
Dragon Ball Super Chapter 103 sees Goku deciding to end the fight with Gohan as he’s inspired to allow Broly to fight Gohan instead. While it seems like Gohan gets a moral victory over Goku in that he’s able to land a punch on Ultra Instinct, Goku then explains to Vegeta that he wasn’t really fighting to beat Gohan. It really was just him trying to test Gohan’s power for himself, and he’s looking forward to seeing how much stronger Gohan will become. But that just feels like a cop out.ย
It feels like Dragon Ball is once again holding back from the idea that Gohan has surpassed Goku. While Gohan was the stronger one in the past, it always feels like Goku’s just one step ahead. Now seeing that Goku wasn’t even fighting completely seriously to win, it almost makes it seem like that punch Gohan landed on Ultra Instinct wasn’t legit either. It’s just a pretty weak way to end such a big sparring match, and hopefully it at least sets up Gohan for a big win later.ย
But do you wish Dragon Ball Super had a proper winner to Gohan and Goku’s fight? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments!ย