The long-awaited fight between the intergalactic bounty hunter, Granolah, and the Z Fighters, Goku and Vegeta, has begun in the pages of Dragon Ball Super‘s manga, and the latest installment also hints at the dark past between the prince of the Saiyans and the last remaining member of the Cerelian race. With Granolah earning the title of “Strongest in the Universe” thanks in part to using his planet’s Dragon Balls, it’s clear that even with Goku’s ability to use Ultra Instinct and Vegeta’s destroyer powers, this is going to be an uphill battle for the Saiyans.
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Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of Dragon Ball Super’s manga, Chapter 72, you might want to steer clear as we’ll be diving into spoiler territory.
With the Heeters, the intergalactic crime family, pulling the strings of both the Saiyans and Granolah, the stage has been set for their fight on the Planet Cereal. Even though Goku and Vegeta have increased their powers since the conclusion of the Moro Arc, it’s clear that Granolah’s wish to be the universe’s strongest being has put him on an entirely different level as he is able to deliver an insane shot that knocks out Goku almost immediately.
With Vegeta begrudgingly using a senzu bean on Goku, the one-on-one fight between Granolah the protagonist of the Dragon Ball series begins, while the prince of the Saiyans is able to investigate their surroundings in an attempt to learn more about why the bounty hunter holds a grudge.
Luckily for the Z Fighters, Vegeta is able to discover a paw print from a Saiyan of the past using the power of the Oozaru to assist the warrior race in destroying the Cerealian race, helping the prince of the Saiyans to realize that there is more going on here than meets the eye. While readers aren’t sure when exactly the eradication of the Cerealian race took place, it is entirely possible that Vegeta might have been a part of the attack on Granolah’s planet when he was under the sway of Freeza throughout his life.
During the fight between Goku and Granolah, the Saiyan fighter also begins to learn that not all is as it seems and the Z Fighters might learn the secrets of the Cerelian race.
Do you think Vegeta was actually on the Planet Cereal when the alien race was destroyed? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Dragon Ball.