JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure: Stone Ocean focuses on the next Joestar generation, following Jolyne Cujoh’s story as she works to clear her name and save her father’s life, Jotaro Kujo. While the series mostly follows Jolyne and her imprisoned friends, it’s taken the opportunity to take viewers back to the past to shed a light on the relationship between Pucci and Dio Brando. With the vampiric villain of the past coming to respect the Green Dolphin Street Prison’s priest, the two certainly were quite comfortable with one another and fans took notice.
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Pucci and Dio were fast friends according to the flashbacks viewers witnessed during the anime adaptation of Stone Ocean, with the two coming to a consensus that there was a way to achieve “heaven”, which has become the goal of the owner of White Snake. Unfortunately for Pucci, he was unable to save Dio from the demise that awaited him at the hands of Jotaro Kujo in the finale of Stardust Crusaders. Seeking revenge for his fallen friend, the latest episodes have brought the antagonistic pastor that much closer to achieving his dream, at the detriment of the Joestar bloodline.
What did you think of the latest episodes of Stone Ocean to hit Netflix? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Joestars.