The Masters of The Universe has returned with its latest series, Revolution. Taking up the baton from the previous series, Masters of the Universe: Revelation, the latest animated adventures of Eternia’s heroes and villains has five episodes currently streaming on Netflix. When the latest season comes to a close, it gives fans not one, but two post-credits scenes that hint at the future of He-Man and his allies, while planting the seeds for a larger threat that might arrive down the road.
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Warning. If you have yet to watch Masters of The Universe: Revolution, be forewarned that we’ll be diving into serious spoiler territory. Revolution saw He-Man and his fellow warriors of Eternia victorious, managing to defeat the technologically advanced Skeletor. Previously in the series, Skeletor was able to deliver what appeared to be a death blow to Hordak, the classic villain who made his first appearance in the new universe. With Teela using her newfound powers to create a new afterlife for those who deserved it and Skeletor being transformed into his original self as Keldor, the future seems open for Prince Adam and the new democracy of Eternia.

Revolution’s Post-Credits Scenes
This new animated series has taken the opportunity to see Evil-Lynn be redeemed, breaking free from Skeletor and attempting to find her own path. In the first post-credits scene, viewers witness Lynn coming face-to-face with Zodac, a classic character from the franchise who is a “Cosmic Enforcer”. Surrounded by other members of this organization, Zodac welcomes Lynn to its ranks, but the series doesn’t end there.
The final post-credits scene sees Hordak rejuvenating inside of a healing chamber, with a female Hordak entering the scene. Stating that the Hordak we knew will be healed by “Hordak Prime”, this new mysterious character states that they will return to Eternia to get revenge on Skeletor for his betrayal and eliminate He-Man. The future for this new take on the Masters of the Universe remains uncertain, as neither Netflix nor Executive Producer Kevin Smith have confirmed future episodes for Eternia, though the animated series has certainly planted the seeds for a sequel.
Do you think that the Revolution lived up to the Revelation? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of Eternia.