Mob Psycho 100 Cliffhanger Introduces Major Villain to Season 3

Mob Psycho 100's third season has been sneakily setting the stage for the first of its major arcs, and the newest episode took this to the next level with the debut of Mob's next major antagonist in its final moments! The second season of the series saw Shigeo Kageyama taking on his most powerful opponents yet, and it resulted in the huge broccoli that still remains in place in the third season. It's become a major drawing point for everyone else in Mob's town, and the newest episode has put it in the center of the growing Psycho Helmet Cult that's been brewing in the previous seasons.

Following ominous teases from the first two episodes of the third season in which Dimple seemed to be enacting a plan for the giant broccoli (which has been dubbed as a "Divine Tree" for the people living around it), the third episode of the season has kicked his plan into action as there's now been a new leader emerging for the Psycho Helmet cult with a control over the giant broccoli. And it's taken on a much creepier look based on the off the mark Mob designs from the Psycho Helmet cult members: 

Who is Mob Psycho 100's Big Villain in Season 3? 

It's explained in Episode 3 of the season that the Psycho Helmet cult has grown to a massive number, and were looking for a new leader that could unite their group along with all of the other wild groups out there. While other psychics tried to take over, the "leader" of the Psycho Helmet cult actually emerged during the meeting and made themselves known. With a creepy veiny look reminiscent of the vines branching from the tree, its display of power scared everyone in the audience and is now in the midst of a full takeover. 

Ahead of this reveal, Mob himself was even looking into potentially becoming the leader of the cult too. Dimple had approached him about working together to become the kind of god worshipped by the cult, and while Mob had turned him down, it was clear from the beginning that Dimple himself had been absorbed all of the wishes the people have been fueling into the giant broccoli. He's been getting stronger, and is now taking things into his own hands. 

It's not hard to connect the dots to the fact that this is more of Dimple's plan in motion, but it just remains to be seen what he's going to do with the influence of this new cult behind him. How are you feeling about Mob Psycho 100's third season so far? What do you hope to see come out out this "new" villain? Let us know all of your thoughts about it in the comments! You can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!