My Hero Academia Highlights the Safety Commission's Devious Child Soldier Strategy

My Hero Academia highlighted the Hero Safety Commission's devious child soldier strategy with the [...]

My Hero Academia highlighted the Hero Safety Commission's devious child soldier strategy with the newest chapter of the series. The focus of the Paranormal Liberation Front was to point out the flaws of hero society, and now that it's begun crumbling down with the final act of the series, fans are starting to get more clued in to how right some of the villains actually are about how the shady hero world operates. This has been especially the case the more we find out about the mysterious Lady Nagant, a former hero who's now working for All For One.

As Izuku Midoriya tries to get to the heart of why Nagant is working with All For One is the newest chapter of the series, she begins to explain her disillusionment about the hero system after working as an assassin in the Hero Safety Commission. But as we see about when she was actually recruited into the hero world, she was quite young much like Hawks does. This really highlights the Safety Commission's devious strategy of recruiting children to do their dirty work.

My Hero Academia Hawks Lady Nagant Safety Commission Child Soldiers Spoilers
(Photo: Shueisha)

The hero system is already kind of insidious considering how children like Izuku Midoriya can train to become proper fighters and heroes within the various hero schools, but Chapter 314 shows how this system can be twisted just a little bit to turn into a much darker area. Much like how we saw the Safety Commission recruiting the young Hawks once they realized he had a great potential with his quirk, Nagant is seen recruited in much the same way.

As part of her flashback, we see a young Nagant scouted by the commission's president. She happily agrees to whatever their offer is, and while it's a completely different situation from Hawks' recruitment (which is also probably why her descent is much more depressing and violent), it's a larger look at how the Safety Commission operates. Just as how Hawks and Nagant were secret assassins, this implies that many more children have been brought up through this closed system.

It's a much darker take on the hero course we see in the series already, and it really continues to highlight just how broken this hero system really was. These children were lied to, and promised the kind of pro hero work they see in action only to have the rug pulled out from them at the last moment. It also further goes to show how this conflict has a lot more hidden layers that Izuku might not be able to handle head on like he usually does.

But what do you think of these latest safety commission reveals? Let us know your thoughts in the comments or you can even reach out to me directly about all things animated and other cool stuff @Valdezology on Twitter!