
My Hero Academia Brings Back Star and Stripe With Latest Cover Art


My Hero Academia contains to reign supreme with shonen fans these days, and readers are tuning in each week as the manga moves through its final act. A lot has happened in the series these past two years, and unfortunately, some of its best heroes have kicked the bucket. But thanks to one new piece of cover art, fans are being reunited with America’s former top pro in all their patriotic glory.

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As you can see below, the artwork made its debut this weekend thanks to Shonen Jump. The magazine posted its latest issue with a new chapter of My Hero Academia included. It was there fans were given a sneak peek at volume 34, and the cover art focuses on America’s former number one hero.^tfw

The colored art shows Star and Stripe in her full glory. The hero looks incredibly patriotic in her usual red-white-and-blue suit complete with a striped cape. In this shot, the blonde heroine is seen reaching out with a hand toward readers as she floats midair. And if you get All Might vibes from the heroine, that is no coincidence. Star and Stripe admired the Symbol of Peace as much as anyone, and fans know the heroine gave her life to ensure his vision of the future would survive.

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As you can imagine, My Hero Academia volume 34 will contain Star and Stripe’s big arc, so the debate over the hero is about to take over social media once more. After all, the American pro prompted a lot of conversations when she debuted and was killed off shortly after. Despite her insane power, Star and Stripe sacrificed themselves fairly quickly to Shigaraki in hopes of crippling All For One. Readers were left accusing My Hero Academia of fridging another female lead, but others felt Star and Stripe was given a satisfactory farewell. So as her arc prepares to hit shelves, well – you can bet volume 34 is going to revive this back-and-forth once more.

What do you think of this latest My Hero Academia cover art? Do you think Star and Stripe was done wrong in the manga? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.