Naruto Cosplayer Takes on TikTok with Viral Video

When it comes to cosplay, you can do just about anything, and one TikTok user is proving that much [...]

When it comes to cosplay, you can do just about anything, and one TikTok user is proving that much is true to a new generation. The app has slowly grown its cosplay community over the years, and it boasts an impressive number of followers these days. Of these users, jalexrosa is one of the most impressive creators, and their latest Naruto project is going viral for all the right reasons.

As you can see below, the TikTok user hit up fans with a special video this week. The time-lapse shows the cosplayer as they set up a cosplay of Obito Uchiha. The character is shown in full villain gear a la the Great Ninja War, and jalexrosa puts together the look with ease.


2 weeks for this! watch till the end ##fyp ##anime ##naruto ##cosplay

♬ akatsuki.exe - Jay Dvrden

The video shows some of the practical tools jalexrosa used to make the cosplay possible. From sharpies to a leaf blower, anything goes when it comes to making a cosplay, and that includes your mom's clothes. The viral clip goes on to show some of the extensive edits jalexrosa did to make this epic video a reality, and it shows how well a live-action Naruto project could do with the right vision.

As this video ends, fans are given a close view of the user's Obito look, and it is insanely good. The lighting, music, and movement are impossible to critique. The user said it took two weeks to make this video, and every bit of that time shows. It is hard to think of another cosplay this impressive, and the Naruto fandom is honored to receive it. So if jalexrosa wants to try on Kakashi for size, fans won't mind showing some patience.

What do you make of this epic cosplay? Which other Naruto legends should this fan tackle? Share your thoughts with us in the comments section below or hit me up on Twitter @MeganPetersCB.