Even going into the Final Saga, the God Valley Incident remains one of One Piece‘s most elusive mysteries with every new revelation only raising more questions in return. Despite its many revelations, the Egghead Arc did little to alleviate fans’ curiosity in this regard, teasing fans with a small glimpse of the Rocks Pirates and the true reason for the tragedy. That said, One Piece may have been keeping the truth about the God Valley Incident behind closed doors for a reason, with the latest chapter of the Elbaf teasing that the infamous tragedy may soon repeat itself.
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Chapter 1137 of One Piece reveals that the reason the Holy Knights Shamrock and Gunko are at Elbaf is to bring the island under the World Government’s control. The first step of this plan was supposedly to recruit Loki into the Holy Knights, failing which it seems the World Government may very well resort to force. If so, Elbaf will likely turn into a battlefield soon enough, and it is possible the lush land of the Giants may face the same fate as God Valley did 38 years ago, similarly becoming the location for the next Native Hunting Competition as punishment for their resistance.
[Related: One Piece’s Elbaf Arc Is an Obvious Callback to Fish-Man Island]

One Piece Teases Elbaf May Go Down the Same Road as God Valley
Though Chapters 1095 and 1096 revealed quite a bit about God Valley and the reason for the tragedy fans have yet to see the full event unfold, with the Egghead Arc teasingly cutting the flashback short at the most exciting moment. Having said that, given the direction the Elbaf Arc is headed in, it is possible that Eichiiro Oda has simply been saving the full flashback for a full-fledged reveal during Elbaf as history repeats itself.
Ever since fans got their first real look at Elbaf back during the fight between Shanks and Kid, many have theorized that the beautiful island could soon be brought to ruin and One Piece Chapter 1137 all but confirms this suspicion. The Giants have long been a vicious thorn in the World Government’s side, with a strong connection to Sun God Nika that would all but cement their annihilation if discovered.

The World Government has also yet to learn about Ohara’s research being safeguarded at Elbaf which would provide all the more reason to wipe out the island just like God Valley. Not to mention, with the Mother Flame at their disposal, Imu and the World Government also have the perfect way to wipe Elbaf from the map just as they did with Lulusia.
That said, what really sells this theory is the fact the successors of nearly all the key figures at God Valley are currently present at Elbaf. This includes Shamrock, the new commander of the Holy Knights in place of Garling, a young Bonney instead of Kuma, and of course, Luffy and the Straw Hats in place of Roger and his crew. All that’s left to be seen is who from the new generation will take Garp and the Rocks Pirates’ place. As things stand, the Elbaf Arc is shaping up to be the beginning of the long speculated final war against the World Government and the emerging God Valley parallels suggest history is about to repeat itself on Elbaf.
One Piece is available to read via Manga Plus and Viz Media.