The War for Wano has seen the Straw Hat Pirates navigate their way through an insane battlefield wherein the revolutionaries of the isolated nation have pitted their strength against the Beast Pirates, and it seems that following the initial battle between Luffy and Kaido, the Beast Pirate Captain has his sights set on the vassal of Oden, Kinemon. With the vassals of Oden attempting to fulfill the dream of their departed master and open up the borders of their country to the world outside, it’s clear that Kinemon is willing to put his life on the line to avenge his master’s death.
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Warning. If you have yet to read the latest chapter of One Piece’s manga, Chapter 1014, there will be spoilers ahead in this article.
The War For Wano has done a seriously good job at balancing the predicaments that are currently in front of the Straw Hat Pirates and their comrades, with this latest installment featuring not only the current battle of Kinemon but also several others involving Luffy’s crew. With Momonosuke in the sights of the nefarious traitor known as Kanjuro, the spy for Orochi disguises himself as the deceased Oden to get in close and kidnap Momo once again.

Luckily for Momo, Kiku can face off against Kanjuro, but receives a fatal blow as a result, causing Kinemon to enter the fray and finally strike down the face-painted fiend. Unfortunately for Oden’s right-hand man, Kaido has recently finished his initial encounter with Luffy and hurled the captain of the Straw Hats into the ocean below. With no rubber-fisted swashbuckler in his way, the Beast Pirate captain has begun descending his own headquarters, swearing to wipe out all resistance within it.
When Kaido shows up on the scene following Kinemon delivering a killing blow to Kanjuro, he wastes little time and delivers a blow that might have killed the vassal of Oden. With Luffy out of the picture and Kinemon being dealt a heinous blow, it seems as though nothing is stopping Kaido from kidnapping Momo and wiping out anything that gets in his path.
Do you think Kinemon survived his encounter with Kaido? Will Luffy appear to save the day once again as the War for Wano continues? Feel free to let us know in the comments or hit me up directly on Twitter @EVComedy to talk all things comics, anime, and the world of the Grand Line.